Chapter Two: The Truth of Gold, Betrayal and magic (Oliver)

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  After Annan went to sleep me and Kieran were talking about our next destination, and how to master my Lightning powers trying to pass the time but in the back of my mind there was a question nagging in the back of my mind about Kieran from dock thirteen and i just had to ask "What did Rhombar mean Large Marge sends he regards?" for a long while Kieran was silent staring into the starry night before he finally answered "before i was a marine i was in a pirate crew under the command of Captain Bartholomew the famous captain who hid the oh so legendary treasure everyone is hunting" for a while all I heard was the waves lapping against Crimson Kiss before he continued with the tale "me and Rhombar were crew mates aboard his Man o War Devils Daughter that was where me and him learnt our magic powers, both of us skin-changers. When Bartholomew was captured we managed to escape but not for long, a rival pirate crew came upon us like wraiths out of the mist, there Captain is called Emma Evans AKA Large Marge because of her massive height of 20 feet and rippling with muscle you should know her most Oliver, because she is your mother" with that being said any normal son would've shouted liar and refused but instead i actually thought it was really cool that my mom was a renowned pirate, so with that i started grinning like a mad man and asking him questions about my mother but before he answered any of them he raised his hand for silence and continued with the story "for years after we joined Large Marge's crew we grew rep with the crew and the marines by the end of our second year i had a bounty of £190000 which seems good to some, but dangerous for others, the special branch of the navy was sent to hunt me down, we managed to evade them and sink two of it's lesser ships the Trident and the Titans Curse we were clear for several months and i was feeling pretty good that i was safe, until the mutiny, Rhombar thought it was a good idea to try and take your mothers ship by force and he got half the crew to help, but i was loyal to my captain, so i went to Large Marge and told her of the Mutiny, Rhombar and his acolytes were marooned but for selling my shipmates out i was also marooned, but with a kinder fate, they dropped me at a well known trade route with supplies but she gave me a mark to remember her by" he took out his arm of his shirt sleeve and showed the mark of a Wolf etched into his skin with what looked like an iron brand "your mother gave me this to make sure i never come back to her and if she see's me again, she'd kill me" "but what about Annan, where does he come in all this?" i asked " it's better that we tell him at a later date his is not a tale i would like to repeat" he replied and with that i finally went quiet for the rest of the journey until we saw a new island and Annan finally woke up.  

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