Chapter 1

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Trinity's POV

I heard my favorite song come from my alarm clock. Time to get up! But I didn't feel like it for some reason. I then heard someone knock on my door. I could tell it was my mom. "Honey get up it's time for your last day of school!" I totally forgot it's my last day of 10th grade! Yippee I couldn't wait! I jumped out of bed, got dressed, and brushed my hair. When I was brushing my hair I was getting an incoming Skype call. It turned out to be my best friend Chandler. Yes I know, I'm friends with Chandler Riggs yay....not, I don't see him as someone famous I see him as a normal person, my best friend actually. I answered the call.

"Hey Chairy" I said.

"Hey TT" he said. Yes I know we have weird nicknames, I know , I know.

" So how is the show going? It sucks that you won't be here for your last day of 10th grade."

" it's going good. We just finished filming episode 2 on season 5. And I wish I could be there. I miss all you guys." He was talking about Ty, Sam, Gray, Hana, and Me of course.

"Ya we all miss you and can't wait till season 5! Lolzzz"

He laughed," OMG Did you see the game of selfies between me and Ty! I totally won!"

"Sure you did, cheater!"

"I didn't cheat!"

"You totally did! You used the internet!"

"Well he did too"

"Ya but you used it first! Go Tygers!"

"Your suppose to be on my side" he said with a pouty face.

" Fine fine you won, oh that reminds me. I ends to text him to pick me up!"

" I got to go anyway. I'm fixing to film episode 3! See ya later TT"

"You mean skype ya later. We aren't gonna see each other for a long time." Now I was showing a pouty face.

"You'll see bye! TT"

"Bye Chairy" what did he mean bye "you'll see".

I ended the call and texted Ty. He told me we had to pick up sam and Gray also because they didn't want to drive. Lazies!

I was eating breakfast when I heard the door bell ring. My mom got it and it was Ty.

"Hey Mrs. Willis." Ty said.

"Hey Ty" my mother said back.

"You ready Trinity" Ty asked.

"Ya, let me just go get my jacket."

When I was going upstairs my little brother was coming down.

"Hey little dude" I heard Ty say.

"What's up Tyger" my little brother,Rion, said. He always called him that but Ty didn't seem to mind. I grabbed my jacket and came downstairs. I said by to my mom and my brother and told them to tell dad I said bye and that I love him. He always got to sleep in late because his work didn't start till 11:00. Lucky Duck!

Me and Ty got in the car and drove to Sams.

(Car ride there)

" I can't wait till summer" Ty said!

" ya me either" I said with not so much enthusiasm.

" what's wrong your usually so bubbly and happy"

" it's just that Chandler won't be hear to have fun times with us"

" Ya I know I miss hanging with my buddy, but he has to do the show. It's his job."

" I know"

We arrived seconds later to Sam's house.

Ty honked the horn. Seconds later Sam ran out the door and jumped in the car without using the door. Because u know Ty has one of those cars without a ceiling or whatever their called.

Next was Gray's house.

On our way to Gray's, Sam started a conversation.

" I'm so excited it's the last day of school" Sam shouted.

" Ya I'm excited too but not so much with TT over here" Ty said. (I hate it sometimes when they use my nickname.)

" I'm fine and stop calling me TT, Tyger and Sameilcad!"

"No that's your nickname and why you so down" Sam asked.

"She's upset that Chandler isn't here for the last day of school" Ty told sam.

" Ohhhh well he signed up for this. He knew this would happen so sorry to burst your bubble" Sam said kind of rudely.

" well you don't have to be rude about it" I said.

"Wasn't trying to be"

We arrived at Gray's and honked the horn. He came outside and actually opened the car door and didn't jump in like some people(Sam).

"Woooooo last day of school. Can't wait"

" woo hoo" everyone said in unison except me. Here we go for an awful last day of school.


We arrived at school and I saw Hana walking our way.

" Hey Hana" I said.

" Hey Bestie, what's wrong" she asked.

" it's just that Chandler won't be here for the last day of school. It's a big deal. We're going into 11th grade and he won't be here."

"Ya I know I miss him too"

We were walking up to the school when I looked up and saw that the clouds were getting dark.

" I think we're suppose to have bad weather today"

" Ya I think it's suppose to rain." I heard someone say behind us. It sounded an awful lot like Chandler's. We all turned around and saw Chandler standing in front of us. I couldn't believe my eyes.

Chandlers POV after the Skype video

I can't wait to surprise her. She's gonna flip.

I was getting ready for my last day of school. And I was thinking of how she and all of my other friends would react.

I arrived at the school and now all I had to do was wait. I waited for a while and I saw Hana, so I hid behind a bush for a while. Soon Ty, Trinity, Sam, and Gray came and when they passed me I heard Trinity talking about weather so I jumped behind them and said, " I heard it was going to rain."

They all turned around and their faces were priceless.


Hope you like my new book!

50 Shades of Love (Chandler Riggs story)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant