Chapter 2: The Plan

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My friend looks at me, very shocked at my news. It was like she saw a ghost. I already did my shockingly experience back at home. I mean, who wouldn't be surprised? I didn't even know that this would ever happen to me. Ever. Sure, tying the knot is one thing, but I never thought of having children of my very own with the situation of me never seeing Akifumi ever again. And not to mention being a single mom taking care of her child all by herself. But you never know what's going to happen when you least never thought about it.

"You Are? When did you find out?"

"Twenty-five minutes ago. And after sending Akifumi out after our fight."

She didn't say a word as she put her right hand on her chest as she was trying to calm herself down. I tried to help as well.

"It's OK. There has to be a solution to this. I'm sure of it."

"Are you sure? Because, you don't seem so calm yourself."

She's right. I'm doing my best not to freak out and bounce off the walls as we speak. I can actually feel my heart pounding even more faster then before.

"I mean, I never thought of you having a child. You are always a hard working person. And having a good relationship with Akifumi. But now, things don't go as well as I expect it."

That's was exactly what I was saying. Well, in my head of course. I'm  kind of glad we sometimes think the same. I sighed again. How can I put up with this? I'm not sure this would make things worse, or good. I suddenly felt her hand on my shoulder.

"But don't worry, I'll be with you throughout your problems. Every step of the way."


She gave me a soft smile and I smiled back. I'm so glad to have a friend like her in my life. I don't know what I would do without her. I don't even know where I would be if I never have met her. We both gave each other a hug. Out of nowhere, I hear the lock on the door switching. As what I expected, it was Shigeru. As I have remembered, he had to do some late night work for the week.

"Oh, Hey Yurina. Didn't expect you to be here."

I didn't say a word and so did she. I just stared in sadness about telling him my news. He notices my expression and looks back at his wife in worry.

"What's the matter?"

I looked back at her and she nodded. She got up and went to Shigeru.

"Honey, Yurina has been having fights with Akifumi."


He looks at me surprised as I nodded my head.

"And,... She's pregnant."


I looked down the second time he said his second words. I just can't handle feeling guilty of me telling my boss about my bad and surprising news. We mostly talk about how our days have been going. I have never told him any bad news happening during my days out of work. But now, I don't know what to do with this.

"Yurina, is this true?"

"Yes." I started to have tears in my eyes. I can't hold it in anymore.

"Oh, Yurina."

He comes up to me and gives me a tight hug. I finally cry. I just gave up right then and there. My whole life is about to come to an end. I don't even know what I am no more. My life was getting better until I first found out about Akifumi lying to me. But right now, knowing that this child is growing inside of me, I just can't live with myself. Shigeru and I let go of each other. I wiped the running tears off my face. Now I know that I look like a complete mess in front of them. Shigeru looked at his wife and told her to get the tissue. She nodded and went off. He looked back at me.

"It's alright, Yurina. Everything's going to be OK. Because you know why?"


"Because we got your back. Even though we might not be with you all the time, you know that we will never want you to feel miserable. You are a great friend, Yurina. You have helped us a lot and we appreciate it. But now,"

His wife finally came back with the tissue box and set it down on the coffee table. I grabbed some and blew my nose.

"It's our turn to help you."

"Right. Whatever happens, just give us a call and we'll see what we can do."

"You would go through this with me?"

"Does a chicken lay eggs?"


"Then that's it. We'll help you throughout this pregnancy."

I started to cry even more harder.

"Hey, why are you crying harder?" My friend asks.

"We said we would help you." Said Shigeru.

"I'm not crying because of that,"

I finally looked up at both of them with a smile.

"These are tears of joy."

"Oh, Yurina."

My friend went to the other side of the couch and gave me a hug one last time as Shigeru put his hand on my back, soothing me out. I'm so happy and honored to have them as my friends. I looked at the clock on their wall. It was past 9.

"Guys, I think it's time for me to go." I get up and throw my used tissues away.

"Already?" My friend asks.

"But you just got here thirteen minutes ago."

"I know, but I have a lot of events to do in the morning." I grabbed my purse and keys.

"Are you sure you'll be OK? You can spend a night if you want?"

"No, no. It's fine. I'll be ok."

I opened the door.


I stop as she ran up to me. She crosses her arms as her face shows worry.

"Just call me back when you get to the house safely, OK?"

"OK. See you later."

I went to my car, opened my door and went in. As I put my key in the ignition, I gazed back at the house as my friend and Shigeru were still by the front door. I finally got the car running and drove off. A minute later, I looked at the rearview mirror and the house was gone out of my sight. I took a deep breath. This is going to be one hell of an adventure.

I finally got home. I went inside and put my things on the side table. I went to the kitchen and took out my phone. I dialed the phone number to call my friend to tell her that I made it home safe and sound. I waited as I heard buzzing as a sign of their phone ringing and finally, it was answered.

"Hello, Yurina? Did you make it?"

"Yes I did. I'm all good."

"Great. You just there by yourself, right? No one else is there?"

"Yes. I'm all alone. No one I'm this house, but me."

"I would think twice about that, Yuri."

I paused at the sudden voice. I turned around slowly and to my surprise, Akifumi was there, holding a bottle in one hand, and his dress attire loose.

"Yurina? Yurina, are you There? Yurina?!"

My mind was off elsewhere. The only thing that could be on my mind right now is,

What is he doing here?

Finding Shelter Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora