Chapter 2.5: Crest

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    Cameras flash and champagne bottles pop open with laughter heard and memories captured. September 14th, 2019: the wedding of Travis David Evans and Mandy Rose Simmons. The day began so bright and it blossomed more as noon approached.  The universe knew it was the couple’s day and nothing could ruin it. Mandy flows across the dance floor in her ball gown of white and crème colored fabrics, her blonde hair waving down her back and shoulders, her smile wide as she twirls with Travis. The man kisses her every now and then, smiling against her lips. Clyde notices his son-in-law’s cigarette pack sticking out from his suit jacket and the old man sighs. Idiot better not ruin his daughter’s mood, the old man thinks and swallows down a shot with a groomsman.

    Travis doesn’t notice anything else but her. Her blonde wavy hair sweeping back and forth as they twirl, her smile wide and sweet with happiness, those grey eyes of hers piercing into his heart, and her soul is present as he holds her close. It’s only them forever and he swears it. “I’m never letting you go, Mandy. Nothing is going to untwine our bond.”

“You’re such a dork.” She giggles and lays her head against his chest. “My dork though.”

“Let’s never say goodbye for anything; let’s just say goodnight.”

“And forever say good morning instead of hello,” they kiss but she’s gone.

She’s gone.


    Mandy nudges him awake and smiles softly, offering a bottle of water. “Must’ve been some dream you were having.” Travis nods slowly and shuts his eyes, adjusting his memory. Mandy strokes his hair with her fingertips as he thinks.

“Do you remember, remember what we agreed on at our wedding?” Travis yawns, catching his wife’s hand with his pinky finger. Mandy bites her bottom lip and thinks, shrugging suddenly at the loss of thought.

“Always goodnight and good morning; no hello and no goodbye because-,”

“Because forever.” She smiles and kisses his nose, his cupid’s bow, and his lips last. “Eternity. I wonder if our wedding album is still in our apartment; some creep Vulture probably looted it and is spilling all-,”

“Whoa! I just woke up, babe.” Travis chuckles tiredly and pressures his thumb gently into Mandy’s palm. “Don’t need that image in my head.” He groans as he attempts to sit up on the bed, pulling Mandy by her hand to sit with him. She perches herself next to him and her head immediately lies on his shoulder. “I should stop smoking.”

“You’ll die faster without them,” Mandy teases. The house creaks in place of his quietness, leaving her statement unanswered. Pictures on the wall catch Mandy’s attention and her eyes stop on one of a little boy with the widest smile she’s ever seen. His hair is spiked up from either the wind or gel and his hands are clutching a disoriented bundle of weeds and flowers. It must’ve been a beautiful day; every day was before the outbreak, before the roads were compacted, and people were dying. Is there beauty to be found in the unsettling stillness of the world now or is it all gone with the bloodshed and grime? Mandy wonders and wonders each passing minute but then she’ll look at her husband and understands that the universe gave her the last stroke of beauty for her eyes only. To her, he was in fact, beautiful and full of grunge. Normal, she wouldn’t ever dare say out loud, but that’s who he is and he doesn’t need a cult of followers to bask in him. “Travis, look at me.”  His eyes meet hers and Mandy’s hand folds out upon his cheek. “Do you remember when I fainted a few months after moving into our apartment?” He nods slowly, his face twisting into interest. “After you took me to the clinic and they were running a quick blood test,” she pauses, her eyes not leaving his. “They discovered I miscarried…” her voice chokes down into a whisper and a surprise of tears rushes into her eyes. Travis’ eyes become wet and his face fades into paleness. “Six weeks pregnant and I didn’t even know I was…” This time he shuts his eyes but a tear escapes and rolls down his face. “I wanted to tell you for so long but I figured, if I just got pregnant again-.”

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