1-The Boy With the Red Eyes

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(Art by Cartoon Junkie)
You were sleeping on your bed (or at least trying to) while being incredibly bored. You didn't have any friends to hang out with, so you just sat in your room all day. You listened to Imagine Dragons until it was dark outside and you were drowsy. You stared at the ceiling and started thinking. That's all you ever did. Think. You never socialised, all you did was think. You were scolding yourself when you heard a low humming noise coming from outside your window. You looked outside and squinted as a bright light appeared, while a black silhouette of a person appeared. Then you blacked out. When you woke up, you immediately looked outside to see if the light was still there. A person with medium length, spiked black hair that was hugging their knees replaced the silhouette you had seen before. You jumped out your window and ran over to the person. As you ran over to him, he stood up. He looked about eleven, same age as you, and had dark black hair with pale skin. He stared at you with a slightly angry expression and you noticed his...eyes. His eye color wasn't normal, the whites were fine, but his eyes were the deepest, most beautiful red you'd ever seen. You realized he looked like Billie Joe Armstrong, but younger. You were backing up step by step, but he put his hands on your shoulders and stopped you. "Wait. Do not run." He said. You took notice of how amazing his voice was. "I do not know how I got here. Can you help me?" He asked you. You were questioning letting him in, but he seemed harmless, considering he didn't really know how to walk. As you helped him into your room by the window, you realized he didn't have a shirt on. You handed him one of your Green Day shirts with the RevRad logo on it. "Green...Day?" He said. "What is this group? Are they green people?" He questioned. You giggled and said "No, they're a music group. They're really good!" You said. "You should probably put the shirt on." He put the shirt on, and it was a bit to tight, but he wasn't complaining (you definitely weren't either) so he looked around your room for a bit. He then looked at you. "Say, I didn't catch your name." "Uh, (Y/N). (Y/N) (L/N)." You stuttered. "My name is Wilhelm Fink." He bowed. "I am from the planet Mars and colony 302. I was exiled here to Earth, and I need a place to stay. May I stay here?" He asked. You feel like he didn't realize how big the thing he was asking was, but you couldn't say no to him. "Yes." You confirmed. He layed down on your bed and saw one of your sketchbooks on the desk. He put his hand out and the sketchbook floated over to him. He looked through it and smiled. "These are incredibly well drawn. How long have you been drawing?" He asked with a smile. "Ever since I could pick up a pencil." You answered. You looked at the clock and realized it was 11:00 PM. You didn't have school tomorrow, but you figured you should get some sleep. Fink was still looking through your sketchbook when you crawled under the blankets and closed your eyes. "(Y/N)? What are you doing?" He asked. You opened one eye and looked at him. "You've never slept before?" "Slept?" "Sleep. Like, you rest." "I've never done this before. I guess I'll try sleep." You giggled and he smiled. He took off his shirt and crawled under the sheep. You blushed as he hugged you. "This is very comfortable. I think I'll try this more often." "But you also have to close your eyes. Sleeping is like going unconscious that's good for you." "That's...odd. Will you wake up?" "Yes, you'll wake up in about 8 hours. You also might have a dream, which is like your thoughts coming true. It feels real, but it's not." "Are there ever bad dreams...?" "Sometimes. But it's best to not worry about them, and just go to sleep." He closed his eyes and you saw his muscles relax, and knew he was asleep. You closed your eyes and smiled as you drifted off.
You sat on the park bench waiting for Fink. He appeared and sat next to you and entangled his fingers with yours. "Fink, I-I love you." He cupped your cheek with his hand and smiled. "I love you too." He leaned in to kiss you, then you woke up.
"(Y/N)! Wake up! It's daytime!" Fink shook you awake smiling. "How did you enjoy sleeping?" You asked him quietly. "It was wonderful. I had a dream about a weird outfit." "What did the outfit look like?" You asked him sweetly. "Well, uh, it had a striped mask and striped gloves, and a red suit with red pants, and I was wearing a dark grey shirt under it. I had shorter hair than i do now. The mask had holes where my face was, and I really liked it!" He said with joy. You smiled at how happy he was and he yawned. "I'm going to "sleep" again, I like how it feels..." He said as he drifted off. You brushed a piece of hair behind his ear and smiled. You hugged him and quietly sung Little Girl. He yawned and you stopped singing. "Can you keep doing that? It sounds nice..." He said quietly. You continued singing and he hugged you. "What do you call that? It's like a more melodic form of talking..." He yawned again. "It's called singing. A lot of people do it. And a lot of people just listen to people sing with people playing instruments in the background. We call that music." He moved a bit closer to you under the blankets and smiled. "Music....I should listen to..." He wasn't able to finish his sentence before sleeping again. You started think about the outfit he was talking about. You got up from the bed, exited the room and got some fabric, then went to work. You made the entire outfit, including the shirt, gloves, and mask. You gazed proudly at your work and quickly put it into the closet. "Fink...wake up...I have something for you...." You said. He stirred and woke up, groaning. "Ughhhhh...what is it?" "Come and see." He slowly got out of bed and you opened the closet. "Surprise!" You yelled. His eyes lit up like a Christmas tree and he grabbed the outfit. "It's good, but I have to make a modification." He grabbed a pair of scissors and he askes you to step outside the room so he could change. While he was changing, you heated up a good number of Pao de Queijos to pig out on, at least 30. You had the bowl of Pao de Queijos ready when he opened the door. You almost dropped the bowl. He looked absolutely amazing in the outfit. But you noticed a difference. He had a demon tail. It moved almost like a cats tail. Smoothly, almost like a snake. He smiled at you. "Well, what do you think?" "I think you look amazing." You walked in and set the bowl on your bed. You remembered you had a tv in your closet and you set it on your dresser (which faces your bed and was at the foot of your bed). "How would you like to watch a TV show?" You asked him. "T...V?" "Tv stands for television. Basically people use things to film people acting and they have other people watch it. We usually watch it for entertainment." "Hm. Sounds interesting. Put on a TV show please." You laughed at how he said it and put careful thought into what TV show to choose, because this was his first time ever watching something. "No...not that one...definitely not Black Mirror..." You eventually settled on Parks and Recreation. He was laughing heartily and eating Pao de Queijos. You smiled and suddenly felt something brush across your face. You felt it again and you looked over at Wilhelm. He was slowly moving his tail from side. To side. To side again. Every time it would brush your face, but you weren't complaining. It felt good. It comforted you to know you had a friend now. You reminded yourself that you should give him a dictionary to maybe study, and went off to sleep. He stayed up for at least 30 minutes staring at you. He absent mindedly brushed his tail against your face. Side. To side. To side. To side. Never breaking the rhythm. He felt something towards you, but it wasn't hate. He felt weird not hating someone. Little did he know, but the emotion he was feeling was called love. He rested his tail on you, flicking the tip of it up every once in a while out of habit. You were his. You just didn't know it yet.

The Boy With the Red Eyes - Wilhelm Fink x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now