"Um, I have this lacrosse-game, but I'm free after that," I said with a shrug. "Great, let's hang out after the game tomorrow, then!" he smiled. I nodded slightly. "I guess I should get home, still a little dizzy after the Finn-thing," he explained. "Okay, get better!" I said, biting my lip.

He then quickly pressed his lips against mine. The kiss lasted pretty long, at let me tell you - it was amazing. As we pulled away, I looked at him with a little confused look.

"I told you to stop biting your lip. If you bite it, I'll kiss you," he said. I smirked slightly at him, biting my lip again. He pulled me into another kiss, before looking at me, chuckling. "Goodnight, Aurelia," he smiled, before turning around and walking home.


The time of the month I hated the most, had arrived. And my pains were bigger than ever before, so big I could barely walk. Therefore, I had to stay home all day. And I missed my big lacrosse-game I'd been looking forward to for weeks, plus I didn't get to hang out with Wyatt. That sucked. As I tried to sit up in bed, I picked up my phone. Wyatt was calling.

I pressed the green button as I put the phone up to my ear. "Hello?" I asked, biting my lip sofly. "Aurelia,where are you?" He asked, worried. How cute. "I'm home," I sighed. "What? Why?" he asked.

"Um, I don't feel that good," I said. "What do you mean by 'don't feel that good'?" he asked. "Mother nature is on her montly visit," I said, giggling a little of what I just said. "Oh, you okay?" he asked. "Not really," I murmured. "I'll be over in thirty," he quickly said.

"What? But Wyatt, you can't ditch-" I started, but he hung up on me. "School," I sighed.

After about half an hour later, someone threw a small stone at my window. I opened the window, seeing Wyatt standing down at the groing. In his hands, he had loads of junk food, tampons and a couple movies. "Wyatt, what are you doing here?" I shouted down at him. "Just wanted to make sure my girl was okay," he shouted back. "You can't ditch school like that!" I shouted while furrowing my eyebrows.

"I'll do anything for you to be okay, Aurelia,And if making sure that you're okay means that I've gotta ditch school, I'll gladly do that!" he shouted. I felt how a little blush crept onto my cheeks as I bit my lip. "Now, would you let me come up?" he shouted.

I giggled. "Of course," I said as I threw down the emergency ladder. He started climbing up, and as soon as he got in my room, he pressed his lips softly against mine. "What was that for?" I asked when I pulled away. "Well, hello to you too, beautiful," he chuckled. I slightly blushed as I smiled at the ground.

He placed two fingers under my chin, lifting my chin up so my eyes met his. "Hey, I'd like to see your smile," he said.Before I knew anything, he kissed me. As he pulled away, he smirked. "Good your not biting your lip," he winked.

"So I've brought you tampons," he started as he gave me the box. "A couple romantic movies - I coudn't decide which movie I was going to take, so I just brought the ones I've been told is best, McDonald's food and ice cream," he explained. "You are the best boyfriend ever, Wyatt. Thank you," I said, smiling widely at him. A smirk appeared on his lips.

"Boyfriend, huh?" he asked. I giggled. "Did you think something else?" I asked as I tilted my head to the left. He shook his head quickly. "No, no," he chuckled. I smiled, pulling him into a kiss. "I should probably put the ice cream in the freezer," Wyatt said. I nodded. "Meanwhile, you can decide which movie we're going to watch," he smiled.

I nodded as he stood up. While Wyatt was putting the box of ice cream in the freezer, I looked at the movies. The notebook, Titanic, Grease and dear john. I ended up with choosing Grease. As Wyatt appeared again, he took a quick picture of me. "Why did you do that?" I asked as I pressed my lips together.

"I'm just gonna send my friends a picture of my beautiful girlfirend," he said as he sat down beside me. I watched him send the picture to Johnson, Jaeden, Jack, Chosen and... Finn! "Wyatt, why did you send it to him?" I asked, furrowing my eyebrows. "Oh, I thought that was okay.." he said.

"I'm sorry." "That's okay, Wyatt. I'm just afraid he'll get really mad or anything," I said. "Why should he? He has Hayley, so the fact that you're mine shouldn't hurt anyone," he explained. "I guess you're right," I said, leaning my head against his chest. "So what movie did you choose?" Wyatt asked, kissing the top of my head. "Grease," I smiled. "Great," he said as he sat the movie on.

About halfway through the movie, I heard shouting from outside. "BAMBI!" Finn shouted. I sighed, looking at Wyatt. As I opened the window, my eyes met Finn's red and puffy. Had he been crying.. again? "What?" I shouted. "We need to talk."


Omgzzzz thank y'all so much for 600+ reads!!!

Her part ☽ Finn Wolfhard Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora