Sisters and going Home

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Hey guys! Sorry I haven't updated in forever. I have you a long chapter this time that with hopefully make up for it. Love you all!! Xxx

"But he's so hot!"
"For the last time Kay, I'm NOT dating Sirius Black. We are just friends." I huffed and she laugh at my anger.
"I heard no objection about him being hot though so I'll settle for that." I opened my mouth to object but she already moved on, "what about James? Or Remus?"
"No! Kailey you literally saw me kiss my boyfriend AMOS before we left the platform two days ago!" I groaned.
"I know I know. But it's not like you to settle for easy." I mumbled. That sparked my interest
"What do you mean by easy?" I questioned, brows raised.
"I mean I expected that once you started dating some guy it would be more of an ordeal I guess. Like you would be more reluctant and he'd be persistent and it would be like a chase over a long period of time. Not a sweet, gentle guy asking you out randomly and you agreeing and the two of you being all sappy and cute and I don't know, just easy. Unproblematic, sappy, you get the picture." She ranted.
"You are obviously way to invested in my love life dear sister." I rolled my eyes and she laughed, "and shouldn't an unproblematic relationship be good?"
"Sometimes the unproblematic ones are the ones you don't know as well as you think you do, trust me, I've seen things in my time. Sweethearts that turn out to be terrible." She chuckled, shaking her head.
"Do you have something against my boyfriend that you aren't telling me?" I laughed and she did too, shaking her head. She just handed me a cup of tea as we both sat in her couch. "I really love your apartment." I sighed. It was so cute and clean.
"So you've said." She smirked before it dropped as she noticed something behind me. I turned to see a picture of Alex and I from our first year. "Have you heard from him?" She asked quietly, her eyes full of sadness.
"Not since the fight. You heard from mother?" I asked her.
"Not since the fight," she smiled sadly, "what a family, right?"
"Hey, don't worry about them, they don't matter. We are a family and we will always have each other." I smiled and held her hand.
"You don't really hate them do you?" She asked in a whisper, squeezing my hand. I could tell that question was more directed to herself than me.
"I hate mom." I said and she nodded in silent agreement.
"And Alex, do you hate him?" She said, so quietly I could hardly hear her. I sighed and turned my head back to the photo.
My twin's smiling face looked back at me. He was beaming and waving at the camera who was being held by our older sister, proud of her two little siblings boarding the hogwarts express. His dark hair was perfectly done for his first day. He looked so carefree, yet so nervous at the same time. His pale face looked so young, yet still so familiar even though I hadn't seen him look like that was in so long.
"Do you?" I asked her back, turning to look at her sadly.
"I don't think I could ever hate that little boy." She sighed, looking at the picture, a fond yet pained look in her hazel eyes.
"Well then there's my answer." I sighed as we finished our tea.
"Liv?" Kay asked weakly and I looked over to her, a 'yes?' On my face.
"Promise me I'll never look at an old picture of you like that. Swear to me I'll never look at your young, innocent little face and feel my heart break and wonder where you are and if you're happy and why I wasn't enough for you." She cried, looking at me with desperation on her face. I squeezed her hand even harder and hugged her.
"I promise."


About two weeks later I was on my way back to the Potter's. I waved at my beaming sister from the Knight bus window before it sped off. I just sat the rest of the ride, holding on tightly and gazing out the window. Finally I stepped of the bus and now sooner that my feet touched the ground, I was attacked in a hug. Messy black hair was all I saw.
"Hey Jamie, I see someone missed me." I laughed and squeezed him back.
"Ugh you were gone for ages." He groaned and I chuckled.
"Um, try three and a half weeks bud." He groaned louder. I had stayed longer than anticipated but I really needed time with Kailey.
"Exactly my point. That's a whole month!" I laughed again at his dramatics. He suddenly picked my up and threw my over his shoulder before picking my trunk up and walking up the driveway into the house. I screamed and beat on his back with my fists, not exactly fond of the fact that my butt was sticking up in the air and that I was upside down being carried around like a rag doll. Once we reached the kitchen James stopped but I couldn't see in front of him to tell why, but I beat his back harder as I felt him chuckle at something.
"Whoo what a view. Thanks for bringing that home Prongs. It's quite a sight." I recognized Sirius' voice whistle and I blushed deeply.
"UGH. Put me down Potter!" I shrieked.
"Whatever you say Snow." He laughed. Before I could take back my bad choice of words, he ran to the family room and threw me down onto the couch. I blew my messed up hair out of my face from my slumped position and glared at James who was standing in front of me with an innocent grin.
"Not funny Prongs." I grumbled, sitting up.
"Yeah Prongs, not funny, your blocking the view." I heard Sirius say from behind James who stepped aside. My eyes widened a bit because damn the first month of the summer had sure been kind to him. He had already grown taller, his hair was longer, making it wave more, and his abs were even more defined. If you're wondering how I know that it's because he was standing there shirtless with black skinny jeans on.
"You couldn't even finish getting dressed?" I rolled my eyes.
"Why, am I distracting you?" He said, an eyebrow innocently raised and James snorted as I blushed.
"No. It's just rude." I tried to cover my embarrassment with anger.
"Well sorry but I was excited to see my girl. Now before you say it I know you can't be owned and blah blah blah, just get over here and give old Padfoot a hug why don't you? It's been awhile." He said with a grin and outstretched arms. I couldn't help but smile reluctantly as I got up and hugged him, taking in the familiar scent. I felt comfortable as his arms wrapped high up around my waist. He let go as James coughed.
"Alright enough of that lovers, Moony will be here soon and mum and dad are dying to see you Snow." I simply rolled my eyes at his first comment but walked into the other room to see his parents.
"Oh Olivia darling! We've missed you!" Elizabeth said, hugging me on one side while Charles hugged my other side. "You look so much more grown up, oh how gorgeous. Witch Weekly cover model quality I swear it. And look how skinny you are! You definitely have not been eating enough I'll start making lunch dear. Did you enjoy your time with your sister? Oh I'm so happy you're back!" She went on, not letting me get a word in.
"Sweetheart, she only just got home, let her breathe." Charles chuckled along with James and Sirius who stood back leaning against the wall with amused expressions.
"It's fine Charles. And thank you Elizabeth. I had a great time, but I missed you lot so much." I giggled and she gushed a bit more over my hair and figure before starting to make lunch.
I was in the cabinet getting bread for sandwiches when I felt hands on my waist. I was easily lifted up and spun around away from the cabinet so that I traded places with whoever was behind me. I felt hot breathe on my neck.
"Mrs. Potter is right you know, far too skinny, but lovely as well. Witch Weekly quality is an understatement." I blushed deeply as a kiss was placed on my neck. Tingles shot through my body and I felt a weird feeling in the bottom of my stomach. I brushed it off as hunger.
"Oh Sirius leave her be and go out a shirt on, you always get her so flushed." Elizabeth scolded fondly and Sirius chuckled, removing his hands from my waist and stepping away. James threw his head back in mirth at his mother's comment on my constant blushing and I glared at him.
"What? Not like she's wrong." He cackled and I could practically hear Sirius smirking from behind my as he retrieved the bread and grabbed his shirt. I just groaned, feeling attacked and went to get cups. It was a usual thing for Mrs. Potter to make comments like that. She was always wanting Sirius and I to date, even though she knows I have a boyfriend. As does Sirius may I point out.
"You're right Prongs, she's definitely not wrong about that one." A voice said from the doorway and I turned. I shrieked and dropped the cup I was holding, only for it to be magically caught by Charles.
"Remus!" I ran at him and threw my arms around him, wrapping my legs around his waist. He laughed and held me up.
"Hey Snow." He greeted fondly before putting my down and embracing everyone else as well.
"Need help with anything Elizabeth?" He asked politely, eyeing the lunch making process.
"No thank you dear, you're to sweet." She said warmly before sending us into the dining too to wait for the food.
"Promise you'll never leave us again Snow, we got a bored without you here." James groaned yet again and the other two nodded in agreement.
"Weeeell... about that." I trailed off and they all looked at me.
"You're leaving again aren't you?" He deadpanned.
"I'm sorry!" I started and they collectively groaned, "I promised Lily I'd stay with her for the last week of summer and that I'd meet up with Amos the morning of boarding the Hogwarts express! I already cleared it with your parents and everything. But that's weeks away, we still have the rest of the summer." I assured them. The truth was, I wasn't sure how long I'd be with Amos. His parents were going out of town the week before start of term so he'd asked me to come stay the night with him on the night before boarding the train and said we could go to the platform together the next morning. I was a bit uneasy with the idea if staying alone at his house overnight, so I said I'd thing about it. Of course I couldn't tell the guys that, they'd murder him. I was very tempted to sleep over though, I'd have to decide and owl him while at Lily's that week.

The rest of my summer at the Potter's was great minus all the pranking. I got testing results back a few weeks before start of term and got all o's, so I was pleased. Eventually the day came for me to leave for Lily's, and I was sad to leave the guys again, but happy to see my redheaded best friend again.

Hope you guys enjoyed this chapter! Vote and comment to tell me what you thought! I'll be updating again tonight so make sure you don't miss it!

Once you go Black you never go back (Sirius Black and oc story)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ