First Date

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I'm in my robe, courtesy of the hotel, looking for an outfit for this date. I'm so excited! It's so exciting! I'm going on my first date! At nineteen.... That's not sad at all...

We were supposed to hit up this Italian joint that everyone's been talking about. I was kinda feeling myself a bit and I wanted to look sexy for the gentleman that's picking me up in... 18 minutes?!! I quickly pulled on the next thing in my suitcase with my eyes closed, hoping it was something suitable.

I open my eyes to see my black leather pencil skirt. I rolled my eyes and they landed on a black floral bralette. I immediately thought of a pair of floral heels that I put in the closet along with a floral guess purse. I quickly put everything together and nodded in approval. I slipped the top on without a bra, of course, and adjusted my breasts. I quickly lotioned my legs, arms, stomach, collarbone and chest. Pulling the skirt up my legs, I made my way to the bathroom. I rolled on some deodorant and swiped some red lipstick on my lips. I swept my hair to one side and hurried back over to my bed to put my shoes on. I stuffed my purse with all the essentials and placed it on the counter.

As soon as I wrapped my grandmother's necklace around my neck, the doorbell rang. I briskly walked over to the door and took a deep breath before opening the door.

 I briskly walked over to the door and took a deep breath before opening the door

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Hunter stood handsomely at the door, wearing a tux. He looked me up and down and lust flashed through his eyes with a hit of... anger?

"Hold on. I have to go grab my purse," I quickly got the purse and turned to see Hunter holding out his jacket for me. I glanced at him questionly.

"It may be a little cold outside-"

"My phone says it's 83 degrees right now...."I trailed off. He shrugged his jacket back on dismissively. He led me out the door and I made sure it was locked before we got in his car and drove off.


My jaw dropped in amazement as we stood in the Italian restaurant. It was so beautiful. There were roses and chandeliers everywhere. The lights were dimmed and everyone seemed so fancy. As a girl who grew up in a small apartment in New York, I kind of felt out of place. I looked up at Hunter and he was already smiling down at me. He gently grabbed my hand and walked up to a lady behind the counter.

"Reservations?" she asked nicely.

"Certainly. Under the name King," he said politely. I felt my cheeks immediately go red as I tried to hold back a giggle. He sounds so pish-posh. Certainly, sir. Please let me fetch your table out of the hot air balloon.

I quietly giggled to myself looking down at my toes. I felt his hand slip around my waist and I looked up at him as he looked down at me in confusion. I shrugged my shoulders before walking ahead of him to follow the hostess.

She led us to table in the middle. I pulled my chair out and sat down, Hunter doing same. She told us her name was Leah and that she'd be serving us today. She placed a basket of garlic bread and bottle of wine in the center and told us she would be back for our order while placing our menus on the table.

We talked and smiled while sipping our wine. He told corny jokes and I laughed at them. We ate and just had a good time. Later on couples began to dance in the center which was near us. Hunter stood up extending his hand to me.

"Would you like to dance, love?" I smiled while taking his hand before I replied in an awful british accent.

"I'd be delighted, my dear sir."

He chuckled while shaking his head. He lead me to the dance floor and we swayed gently to the music. He whispered sweet nothings into my ear and I rested my head on my shoulder. It was a great moment that was ruined a second later.

Men began to stop our dance to compliment me and ask if they could join in. I felt flattered and blushed a bit but that changed the second I looked at Hunter's face. He was a fuming. He angrily shrugged off his jacket, throwing it over my shoulders. Then he pulled out a wad of cash and threw it on our vacated table while roughly dragging me outside.

"What the fuck! I knew I shouldn't have took you to a nice restaurant. You knew where we were going and you came out dressed like a little slut. Do you just like fucking attention? Of Course you do, I saw the way you lit up at their offers. I bet that's what you like. Attention. Admit that you're a little attention whore!!"

We stood in front of his car in a suffocating silence. My mouth open wide in shock and my eyes watering. I closed my mouth slowly looking down at the floor trying to get myself together but failing. My lungs were burning and I knew I wouldn't be able to keep it together for long.

He gently lifted my chin to look at his regretful eyes but I turned away from him. He roughly pulled me back into his chest.

"GET OFF ME!!" I sobbed. I pushed him off of me. I stumbled a bit before I walked down the rest of the block. Hunter's car pulled up beside me and slowly followed me as I continued to walk.

"Get in the car."

I ignored him and continued to walk.

"Get in the fucking car!"

I scoffed and continued to walk.

"I'm sorry. "

I shook my head and continued even though I had no idea where to go.

"You can't walk. The hotel's 17 miles away. Don't you want to get home safe?"

This time I did stop. He's right. I don't have cab fare and we're nowhere near the hotel. I got in the backseat of the car and slammed the door.

Soon we were at the hotel after a very silent and uncomfortable car ride. He turned to face me.


"Thanks Hunter."

I quickly opened the door and ran up to the building.

That was horrible.

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⏰ Last updated: May 17, 2018 ⏰

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