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Naira's POV

"Hey come out iam waiting for you" hana yelled as its been an hour she is waiting outside for me.we are friends since 5, we are in the last year of colleage but we are still friends and will be friends forever inshallah. i always want to become  fashion designer and hana want to do something big in business field.

We were walking towards 'THE COFFE SHOP'. i ordered latte and hana odered espresso. we planned to go shopping when hana almost shouted "Naira you know what??!!! yesterday zaid and band's performance was awsome". did i mention hana is crazy for zaid and band. i gave her 'i dont care' look. and did i mention i hate music bands ofcourse i love musics and songs like hmm .....wait let me think ya i got 'what makes you beautiful' , 'let me love you' etc (there is a long list). i mean come on  who wont like songs. this zaid and band is like ehhh.. i seriously dont know what hana find exciting about them. "they are soo hot specially zaid is the perfect defenation of hot" hana said jumping up and down with excitment . "wait are they temperature or humanbeings?? hot and cold" i said with disgust in my face.

It is clearly visible that she is anoyed with my words. i started laughing looking at her expression. she was trying to catch me while i was still running. i turn back to see wether she was still following me. but couldn't find her.

its been 20 min i was still searching for 'my stupid friend'. i took my phone from pocket to contact hana.i was busy looking at my phone screen.suddenly someone bumped into me and my coffee was spilt in his shirt (ya it was a guy). i was staring at the person who was also busy staring at me. when i opened my mouth to say sorry i was cut off by the opposite person who i just bumped "excuse me are you out of your mind". "hey mr. mind your minds your words.your the one who bumped into me". i was about to say something when hana came running towards me "i was searching for you".she said with worried expression in her face. "i was about to contact you but u know i was intrupted by a jerk" now her eyes travelled to the opposite person who i bumped. without even thinking she hugged the person and that person also hugged her back. "what the hell is going on" i said almost shouting. hana broke her hug and she hugged me with full excitment (maybe she is having hugging disease today). " he is z..zaid" she said stammering.

hey guyzzz!!!
hope you all liked the first chapter. comment below what you guyzzz think about zaid.
inshiallah i will try to update as soon as posssible.

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