Chapter 1

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Antheia: POV

Today started out like any other day. My alram screamed at me until I finally had enough will power to pull myself out of bed to turn it off. Sitting in my bed and rubbing all the sleep from my eyes, I tried to remember why I set my alarm clock for such an ungodly hour of the morning. After thinking slowly for the past five minutes, it hits me like a ton of bricks, it was the first day back to that horrible prison they call school.

" Why did I have to wake up today."

" I mean couldn't my arlam have broken in the middle of the night so I had an excuse to stay in bed and sleep in."

I grumbled as I finally left my bed to find some clothes to wear and to have a hot shower to hopefully wake me up. Deciding to find clothing after my shower, I make my way to the bathroom, blasting the hot water on I start taking off my underwear and large shirt that I sleep in. Bearly adding any cold water I step under the flowing water and feel as it runs down my face and body. My skin starts turning a shade of pink from how warm it is, I enjoy how it is making me feel more alive than I was 5 minutes ago. After cleaning myself I wrapped one of my blue fluffy towels around me and make a move back to my bedroom.

Looking through my cupboard I find a smiple outfit that will be comfortable for school. Throwing on my plain black shirt and blue jeans I look into the mirror making sure I looked ok, staring at the image of this large self-conscious girl looking straight back at me made me feel sick. I wish I had a smaller figure and didn't feel so down about my body, but unfortunately this is me.

Having enough of looking at myself I walk around my small apartment getting my books ready, organising myself for my last first day back to school. Living alone is nice but sometimes I do get a little lonely with no one to talk to, or to tell me to have a good day and to come home safely.

Locking my apartment door i start walking to my local highschool. Half way on my journey to the torture chamber I hear a car speeding down the road, turning to see a black impala heading in my direction only two words came into my mind.

" Leo Anderson."

Turning back to pretend that i didn't notice him and was minding my own business, playing cool, and deep down I hope that he would just drive straight past. Unfortunately I have no such luck as the car starts to slow down next to me.

("Oh shit, really today he can't even give me the first day back off from his torment.!!!)

"Hey pig."

I just keep looking straight and don't stop walking, trying my best to pretend he was nonexistent.

" Hey elephant I'm talking to you. It's rude to not reply when a higher being such as myself is speaking to you."

(" Who the hell does this low life think he is speaking to me in such a way. I may be fat but I am still a human being and I will not put up with this filth.")

"Hello Leo, you do realise that you are belittling your self with such out of date comments such as elephant and pig. We are not in primary school anymore so I think you should start learning a bigger vocabulary."

A few seconds of silence went by with both of us just as shocked as each other. Never in my life have I stepped up to someone that has called me names, like as I said this isn't the first time someone has call me just fat animal names. Still the way he thinks he is like a god or whatever really pisses me off, it's about time someone put him in his place.

I snapped out of my thoughts when an amused smiled appeared on his face.

" I call you such names beacuse that is all you will ever amount to, nothing more then a fat pig."

Speeding off in his fancy rich car, he throws a cold cup of coffee out of his window landing in the only place in the world it could have landed. That's right on the front of my black shirt and blue jeans.

His words start repeating over and over in my head as the cold coffee strated to seep into my bra.

"I'm not, I'm not going to let his pathetic words get to me."

"I hate him, I hate him with every instinct in my body.!"

I scream as a tears or two roll down my cheeks in frustration.

" What's even worse is I'm going to smell like off milk for the rest of the day Grrrrrr.!"

Now stomping the rest of the way to school, finally making it to the gates, ready to get this day and now the rest of the year finished with.

" Let the year begin."

Hands off जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें