Day 35: Ice cream

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(Y/n) p.o.v
"Ice cwream!" I yell as I watch paw patrol.

The little kids had ice cream. "Daddy!" I stand up and walk towards my dad Victor and daddy, Yuri were.

"What?" My dad bend down to my level.

I hold my hands up to him so he can pick me up. Victor picks me up and smiles at me. "Can we gwet ice cwream?" I ask.

"That's a good idea (y/n)!" He smiles. "Yuri can we please get ice cream."

"I don't think so, (y/n) still isn't ready to eat normal food yet." Yuri said.

"I am!" I call out.

Yuri laughs and pushes his glasses up. "Okay, but later." He agrees.


"Can we please have one (fav/flavor) ice cream?" Yuri asked the guy.

"That will be 15 dollars sir." The man said.

Victor pays and I was happy. "Where's my ice cwream?" I ask.

"We need to wait baby. The man has to take other people order." Victor said.

"Aw!" I start to tear up.

"Sh don't cry your ice crweam will come soon." Victor held me in his arm and shook me gently.

I lay my head on his shoulder and suck my thumb. Now I have to wait for how long?

It felt like forever but I got my ice crweam and daddy's got theirs too. As soon as I took a bite my top teeth feels bad. I quickly gave my ice cwream to Yuri and covered my mouth so I can cool down the pain. It didn't work though.

Then my dads laughed. "You are supposed to lick your ice cream not bite it." Victor said.

"Oh." I got it and started to enjoy my ice cream.

It was so good I had my dads order me another one.

After eating so much ice cream I fell asleep. Man two ice cream fills me up. I fell asleep on my dad lap. (You can choose which dad lap.)

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