The Final Battle

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Hermione couldn't help it and burst into laughter. She was laughing so hard at Neville that she had to double over, holding her stomach. Bellatrix joined in with the laughter and cackled loudly. The others just looked amused or bewildered at the Gryffindors words.

Hermione's laughter was cut short when she felt someone grab her hair roughly and pull her backwards. She cried out in pain and struggled against her captor and then a wand was poking her chin, halting her movements immediately. She saw the Death Eaters shocked and angry faces as she was pulled away from them and saw how people of Hogwarts were happy at the fact she was captured by someone. This only meant one thing.

Harry Fucking Potter.

"Harry Potter" Voldemort growled, pointing his wand at them. "How many time must I kill you for you to Die!"

"Ah ah Voldy" Harry warned, jabbing his wand in Hermione's chin. "I wouldn't unless you want to accidentally get your Precious 'Mione here"

"Let go of her" Voldemort warned, eyes blazing with fury. Hermione noticed her mum apparated away again and rolled her eyes. Her mum was going to bleed soon if she doesn't stop doing that.

"No" Harry replied smugly. A cry of pain made everyone look to the left. Bella had Ginny on the floor and was carving something in her arm. Harry pushed Hermione away and aimed his wand at Bellatrix.

"Enough of this" Voldemort growled lowly. "AVADA KEDARVRA"

"Expelliarmus" Harry shouted at the same time. Everyone watched on in anticipation, the Green jet of light and the Red Jet of light hit each other and continued to battle for dominance. It was a sort of dance. The red would over power the Green and then the green would grow bigger to match the red's strength. Now Hermione was getting worried, her fathers wand was the most powerful in existence and yet a mere student was almost overpowering it.

"Attack!" A sudden shout came from The Death Eaters side and quicker than Hermione could blink, a huge battle had begun. Many spells of different colours zipped and whizzed past her head. Greens, Red, Blues, Purples, whites, all different spells, curses, hexes and Jinxes flew and created a sort of morbid dance.

Many students tried to escape into Hogwarts but the Death Eaters just followed them and continued their duel. Bellatrix cackled loudly, her laugh echoed despite the war cries and sounds, and ran in. Hermione had to follow her and leave her father outside with Potter. Knowing Bella she would let fun get the better off her and ket herself get killed.

A quick glance around told her that the Lestrange Brothers were locked in a duel with the Weasleys twins. Lucius was fighting Mad eye Moody. Dolohov was fighting Arthur, Lupin was fighting Greyback, Draco was fighting Ron, Snape was fighting McGonagall, Druella and Cygnus were fighting Fleur and Bill. Crabb (Sr) and Goyle (Sr) were fighting Neville and Luna and Bella was now fighting Ginny on top of the Slytherin Table. Hermione looked around once more and hid so that no one could see her but she could see everyone else.

Hermione smirked at the women and watched on in amusement as Bella was easy overpowering Ginny. The Ginger didn't have time to cast any spells towards her and only just managed to block the curses being sent her way. Bella laughed cruelly as she continued to cast the spells. Hermione tilted her head as she watched Molly step up and raise her shaking wand towards her mother and lightly push Ginny away. Bella laughed again at the Ginger woman.

"Not my daughter you bitch" Molly growled, suddenly catching her mum off guard with a bunch of spells. Bella only managed to block about two and begun to retreat. Hermione's eyes widened as she saw that Molly was defeating her mum and knew that if she didn't do anything she would die. She walked out of her hiding spot and Slowly raised her wand and pointed it a Molly.

Who am I? Hermione Granger..Or Riddle?(Complete)Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu