hey big head... ;)

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All of your groceries are placed away and you are still in the kitchen area. I pretend I'm interested in the modern day abstract painting on the wall before me, as I stand on the far side of your living area. The shit that people call art these days is truly sad. World hunger and abuse of all kinds are horrendous things but terrible art comes in at a close third_

"Umm Mikel? W-would you like a glass of lemonade?" You call out from your kitchen area. I know you are nervous with me being in your small space so I fake interest in your ugly paintings to make you feel a little less awkward.

You will get use to me soon enough.

"Sure." I call back after intentionally waiting a few seconds to respond. The corner of my lips quirk up annoyingly as my chest grows warm from the sound of your dainty bare feet pattering on the wood floor over to me. What the hell is wrong with me? To resort to a desperate fool wanting the attention of some innocent young woman. Someone I wouldn't even go for on the regular basis. What has my world truly come to?

I turn just as you come up next to me. You blush and hide your pretty little face with a quick play of wiping your chin on the collar of your shirt. I purposefully graze my fingers across yours while accepting the already sweating glass of lemonade. Your lemonade is wonderful. I had a taste of it before. The other night in your bedroom as I watched you sleep, I sipped on a glass of your wonderful juice. I wonder what is your recipe little one?... Hmm perhaps I need to pay closer attention next time when I watch you in the kitchen.

Holding your gaze in mine, I slowly bring the glass to my lips and sip. The wolfish grin that comes next couldn't be helped as your cheeks grow even more dark with embarrassment.

You turn quickly from me and face the ugly painting on the wall. You smile with the memory that it brings and I feel a twinge of jealousy as you stroke the edge of it. "You know, this was a gift from my best friend." You rush out in fondness. Ew. Rolling my eyes at your back, I struggle to hold in my deep sigh of disgust. Between clenched teeth, I say, "Oh? How...lovely."

You turn back to face me and beam up towards me. I smile back after making sure to quickly cover up my look of disgust to perfection seconds before your almond shaped eyes landed on my face. "Yes! I call her peaches...um its like a silly nickname we all made for her. She truly is amazing. You would love her if you ever get to meet her." you rushed on. My heart melts at the look of pure love that enters your eyes as you speak about your leech of a friend. I crave that same look of adoration from you Buttercup. Not her. it shouldn't be her. It should be me that brings that look into your eyes.

It's a damn shame that you love someone like that little one. She doesn't deserve it. But you know nothing of her true nature. Soon you will. Soon enough all will be revealed.

I nod my head and make a sound in my throat as if I can relate to you. But the truth is, I cannot. I detest people so much that I couldn't ever bring myself to have a friend even as a child I was this way. Always content in playing by myself or my sister whenever I was in the mood for company. I was always in need of my own company like a moth in need of light. My twin is the only person in my life whom I can stomach long enough to even tolerate some sort of companionship. She holds my heart...so maybe I can consider her to be my friend as well but then again in my opinion family members don't count. I mean realistically they have no choice but to love you. Despite everything, even my own parents whom hold great fear of me still loves me in their own little sad ways. They still will ring my phone every now and again. To check up on me. I guess to make sure I am not running around like a mad man killing people...

I pause with my last thought and smirk over the lid of the cool glass. Well....as far as they know I am not killing anyone. As far as they know, their son is a proper investing business man. I chuckle silently in bitter amusement, as I think of them.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 06, 2018 ⏰

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