If I'm going to track Snart, then I need his scent. I went towards his room and went straight for his closet. I grabbed one of his coats before I left. I looked down the hallway to make sure no one from the team sees me. I don't need any of them tagging along or telling me that I should help track Sara. Please, if anything Sara might be with that League of Assassins group she talks about. Going back to your roots, am I right?

When the close was clear I made my way through the corridor and hid.


3rd POV

Never in his life had Snart felt so betrayed. He let Mick live and what did he get in return? His partner in crime hunting him and the team down. That's right ladies and gentlemen, Mick Rory, aka Heat Wave, is really Chronos.

Snart was handcuffed to one of the railings. He glared up at Mick as he looked through the computer. "Look, if you're gonna kill me now, just do it already," Snart challenged.

"I'm not gonna kill you," Mick said. "I'm gonna take a trip back to Central City and visit your baby sister." Mick opened up a file on Lisa, Snart's sister. "The beautiful thing about time travel is I get to kill her more than once." He faced Snart. "I can kill Lisa in front of you, go back in time, kill her in front of you again and again and again." If looks could kill, Mick would be frozen in place by Snart's icy glare. Mick turned around and typed on the computer again. "But why stop there."

Suddenly, a picture of Morgan popped up on screen. There was a video on one of the screens of her eyes turning their yellow color while she roared and another one in the far corner of her wolf form attacking a bigger wolf. I actually mean a bigger werewolf. He was fully shifted into the werewolves you would see on tv. His eyes were bloodshot red as he growled at her in the school.

"And what does Claws have to do with this?" Snart asked through gritted teeth.

Mick gave him a look. "You grew very fond of her. Started to develop some kind of feelings for the wolf." Mick turned around and smirked. "Wouldn't blame you though. Claws sure is feisty."

Snart rolled his eyes. "So you think I like Claws. What are we...teenagers in high school?"

Mick went towards Snart and knelt down to be at eye level. "You seem to forgot who your partner was. I've noticed the small glances you made her way, you two always coming to each other's aid. Back in Star City you wanted to go back to the team." He leaned closer. "I think it's her. I know it's her. So I'll get even more of a satisfaction knowing that I killed her right in front of you."

Snart glared up at Mick before he pulled a Morgan. He brought his head forward and jabbed it onto Mick's nose. He smirked when he heard a satisfying crunch. Mick fell back and groaned as he held his nose.

"Go ahead. Kill her," Snart sneered. "See if I care." But they both knew he was lying.

Mick got up. "Maybe I won't torture her...Maybe I'll get her to stripped down for me and scream my name before you watch me put a bullet through her chest."

Mick never liked Morgan in that way, he just wanted to get under Snart's skin. He chuckled when Snart glared up at him and tried to break out of his handcuffs. The old Mick wouldn't use his drinking buddy like that, but to see Snart squirm was worth it.

The ship's voice broke the two ex-partners up. "Sir, several anomalies in the timeline suggest that the Waverider has touched town in Nanda Parbat."

"Chart a course." Mick placed his hands on the monitor. "I used to think the most beautiful thing on Earth was fire. Now I know it's vengeance."


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