On A Rainy Day...

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He prepares a warm bath for the two of you to share. Having you there with him, seeing you bare naked is an indulgence to him. Thomas would make sure to surprise you with your favorite watermelon candle's smell fill the whole bathroom as you two lay together in the water, your back pressed against his broad chest, with your breathing in sync with each other and as your heart beats in perfect time with him as well. You both enjoy the warm feeling of the bath itself and the warmth radiated by your own bodies.

His hands would wander to your navel and he would rub circles against your skin as he whisper sweet nothings into your ears that was definitely going to make you blush. But you'd hide it from him, same with the semi-conscious smile on your lips, by nuzzling your head in the crook of his neck.

He would lift your chin up and let your eyes meet his. "Don't hide from me. I love seeing you smile, Y/N. When I see you smile, I can't help but to fall in love with you even more."

© Andiesaur

A/N: Getting too inspired today! I might post another one, but getting some feedbacks and votes would be more awesome. 😊


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