Chapter 11 - The Important Decision

ابدأ من البداية

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I was on the scooter and I stopped my scooter at C5, the old place which had changed my life.

You won't be able to say whether it was day or night. The whole area of C5 was empty, totally empty. No one there. Except me. Silent breeze blew past me constantly.

I was at Worli seaface earlier, so from there I came here. Only the crows and the two fishermen were around me that time. The crows got their meals as the fishermen pulled out the fishes out of water. The time was 4 am. And there was nothing in life with me except that chit and that memory with Priyanka. I looked at those rocks and...

"How could you not tell me? I mean all this time you were dating some guy and you didn't even let me know about it! Why?!"

"Manav! Don't say this! Please! I just thought that I shouldn't disclose this to anyone, so I didn't tell you." She was moaning. But I was angry with her.

"And not even me. I have become 'anyone' to you now. Okay, cool, I understand." I said.

"No Manav! Don't! Please! Already someone has left me; I can't afford to lose you! Please!"

"Sorry Piyu, but I'm not able to accept these things right now."

She became silent. And then she woke up in fumes.

"Why are you behaving like this? I mean, I know I didn't tell you, but at least I'm telling you now! Can't you listen to that?"

"Stop it Priyanka! I can't handle this right now. I feel as if I don't even exist in your life."

"How can you say that?"

"Just because I feel that way?"

"Get lost from here. I never want to meet you or talk to you again. Just go!" she said.

All those events. Damn.

I held the chit in my hand and opened it up. What was written in it was extremely unexpected. Under that one single yellow light, I read what had she written. And I felt blessed. In that landscape, I was the only one with the sea behind me and everything was surrounded to me. Somehow I felt as if a third person was looking at me. Sneaking out there. It was just a feeling.

A smile glowed on my face after reading what was in that chit.

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When we all were at Narali Baug, Priyanka went at some distance and stood there to see the view in front of her. That day she was very quiet, and as I said, she looked at me at times. So I had also started on with my spy eyes and spy mind. I saw her remove a chit from her purse and read it. I assumed it was the same chit which I had written for her. I expected her to look at me again after reading it. But she didn't. Rather, after reading she kept it in her purse. So basically that's all what happened all the time. But then for some time I got confused. Was it the chit which I had written for her or was it something else?

When we were leaving, Dev came to me. And all the other people were behind us then.

"What's up?" he said.

"Well, nothing much. Had nice time here with you and all."

"Hmm...nice. By the way what was that important decision about?" he asked me.

"Oh that, well, it was not that important. Forget it." I said.



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