49 phone conversation

40 6 6

Hi we should  talk

49 phone conversation

She wanted to hang up say she had the wrong  number

Parker - hello

He answered

Kelly - shit seriously I was hoping he wouldn't answer

She  really didn't want to do it

Parker - hello

She put her phone down

Parker - kelly is that you

Her phone  fell to the  floor  she picks it up off the  floor

Kelly - hi we should talk

Even though she was wanting to hanging up

Parker  - OK  what are we talking about  pretty girl 

The kiss

Kelly  - you know what  and I'm not saying  it

Of course he knew what

Parker - the kiss between us

He didn't have a problem  with saying  it at all

Kelly - y -yes t - that

She couldn't  find the right words or way to say it or anything else about  it

Parker  -,how do you feel about it

She had yet to process her feelings about  it 

Kelly  - I don't know  OK  I don't

He thought  she was so cute he started laughing

Kelly - why are you laughing

Did she did something  wrong

Riley - kell you're dad's here

She hangs up

Kelly - OK

She got up from her bed without another  word

Riley  - honey

She turns around

Kelly - I never should have  called  him and  I won't again I  don't need to I know enough

She left her phone where it was

Riley - honey talk to me please don't shut out

She didn't want to talk about it

Kelly  - it was a mistake to call him and I know that now

Into the kitchen Lucas was sitting on the counter

Riley - down please you don't live here anymore remember 

He tried not too

Lucas - I came to see the kids and ask have you thought about the date or anything

Kelly wasn't sure if her family would be the same

Kelly - date like date date

Riley  looks at Lucas

Riley  - Lucas I still don't know about that

Riley and Kelly the mother and daughter have situation

Unfaded  Love By Quanisha Pool Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora