"I'm out mom. Love you."

"Good luck sweetie, love you too," she said and blew her a kiss.

Exactly an hour after she had hung up with Finn, she walked in and saw him waiting at a booth for her.

He stood up and hugged her tightly. "I've missed you. I've been worried. How are you, love?"

"I've been better. I've missed you too."

"What would you like to drink? Let's order some food too, I'm starving."

"Actually, I'm not feeling the greatest, but you order."

He stared for a moment but ordered anyway. He got a water for her too.

"So, how's New York? Plenty of redheads to keep you busy?"

"Hmph, too damn busy. Hotel business keeps me on the go. I haven't had time for many women lately...unfortunately. What about you? Found a rebound yet?"

She scoffed a little, but before she could answer, Finn's appetizer came, and she had to make a beeline for the bathroom. When she opened the door, he was standing there waiting for her.

"You ok love?"

"Of course, just a stomach bug."

He looked like he didn't believe her, but put his arm around her and walked back to their booth.

"So, what's going on?"

Rory looked at him but didn't answer.

"Rory, come on, I know something is up. You've been ignoring my calls for weeks and then suddenly you need to meet up? You look like you've been run through the ringer, still beautiful of course, but you're pale, you're throwing up, and on the verge of tears."

"I need to talk to Logan."


"Because I do. He won't return my calls."

"Why Rory?"

"Does there have to be a reason?"

He just stared at her and took a drink of his scotch.

She took a deep breath, obviously she was going to have to tell him. "I'm pregnant."

He choked on his drink. After sputtering for another minute, he finally managed, "bloody hell."

Then she was no longer on the verge of tears, they were flowing freely.

"Damnit love, I'm sorry." He scooted around and wrapped his arms around her. "I don't need to ask if it's his do I?"

She shook her head.

"Well we are just well and truly fucked then."

She looked up at him confused.

"Nobody has seen or talked to Logan since you turned down his proposal love. He went straight to the dark lord and said he wanted to come back to HPG, but he needed some time before he did. Mitchum told him to take as much time as he needed, and he left. I've gotten one postcard. From what I understand, he has shut off his phone and email. He sends a postcard once a week, always on his way out of wherever it's coming from. First was Honor, then Colin, now me."

Rory let it sink in. She won't be able to get ahold of him until he makes contact with someone again. It had already been three weeks.

"Finn, I don't want to do this without him. I love him. Is there any way you know of to find him?"

"Could hire a PI, but it sounds like he has cut every line of communication. I'm not even sure if Mitchum actually knows where he is."

She thought over what he said. It sounded like the best thing to do was wait for now.

"Finn, I have my first appointment on Monday. Mom is going with me, but would you come too? I want to record anything important. And I could really use a friend by my side."

"Of course love. Anything for you." He kissed her on top of the head, much like Logan used to do. It was a mix of saddening and comforting.

They finished talking. Rory was tired, so she headed home and went straight to bed. She told Lorelai she would update her in the morning.

Before she went to sleep, she left another voicemail for Logan.

"Logan, I talked to Finn. He said you've gone off grid. I need to talk to you if you get this. It's important. I love you."

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