This one is serious (please read)

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Okay, so if any of you know SepticRainbowPotato, you know what they put in their story. And if you don't, you're in for a treat.

So, they said they "failed us" and I got really sad (I recommend looking at the latest chapter as of right now), I was really worried. And if you're reading this, I wanted to say, I really care about you. Even though we don't talk a lot, I do care, even if it's online, I care. If you did something awful, I am sorry. And if anyone has any information, please tell me. I care, everyone cares, you're not alone.

Please, if you see this, thank you for being here, keeping us company, and being supportive.


I Honestly Don't KnowWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt