Chapter 2 - New friends!

Start from the beginning

I noticed Jake staring,at a girl with dark brown hair, sitting on her own.

"You like her?"

"What?! Emily?! Noooooooo. I did, a long, long time ago. But then she started being horrible to me.  She left me deaththreats, and told me that if I didn't stop liking her, she'd hang me by the throat and flush me down the loo. Luckily, that made me not like her anymore, but I just feel so lonely. I haven't had a girlfriend since primary school."

"Neithers my friend, Kaytee! You should meet her!"

"Okay, who's form is she in?"

"Mrs Shipleys."

Jakes eyes lit up. He grinned.

"That's my form, introduce me to her?"

"Sure thing!"

After lesson, I went across the corridoor to find Greyson.


"HELLO." he said, and gave me a massive hug.

"See you've met Jake."

"Yep, and now Kaytee needs to meet him!"

Greyson walked in front extra fast, so I could up with him.

"Why you walking so fast Grey?" I asked.

"I need to tell you something. be careful with Jake. he's had problems in the past, stuff I can't tell you, just.. be careful with him okay."

I wondered what he meant, but I nodded and walked back to jake.

"Okay, so wheres your form?"

"just there, hopefully she's already in there.."

We entered the room, and Jakes face lit up.

*Jakes POV*

We entered the room, and suddenly, I saw the love of my life. I knew it. It was love at first sight. She had medium length dark chocolate brown hair,  glasses and braces, very attractive.. and her beautiful blue eyes matched with her gorgeous smile. I must say, the way she was just sitting there on her own listening to her music, reminded me a bit of Emily, but Emily was the past. I decided to go straight up to this girl.

"Why hello, do you care if I sit here?"

*Kaytees POV*

Someone started talking to me,but I had my earphones in? Thick twat, can you not see I am listening to music. I didn't actually hear what they said, so I looked up to say "what?" then I saw the most perfect boy standing in front of me. beautiful blondey brown hair, I cannot believe I ignored him. I took out one earphone and spoke

"Sorry, what?"

"Oh yeah, didn't notice you had earphones in, sorry babe. I'm Jake, is it okay if I sit here?;)"

I nearly died. His voice was just as nice as his looks. He had a gorgeous australian accent that made my tummy do somersaults.

"Uhmm, yeah, sure." I said, and pulled the chair out for him."

"Whatcha listening to?" he asked, and picked up my other earphone.

"Ehh, just all time low, they're kinda one of my fav-"

"I'VE BEEN WAITING, FOR SO LONG, SHE'LL NEVER KNOW. I'M LOSING HERRR CAUSE' SHE'S SO LOST IN STEREOOOO." he jammed. Therefore I carried on jamming, just with Jake. The song finished and we both looked at eachover smiling.

"Didn't think you'd like All Time Low?" I asked.

"You kidding?! They're one of my favourite bands, I'm not gay or anything, but my wall is covered with posters!" 

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⏰ Last updated: May 20, 2012 ⏰

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