There was silence

Too much silence that I looked up to see his reaction

His eyebrows were frowned even more and he was looking at the ground trying to process

"Wait, my brother Ethan?"

I nod "the same Ethan that you hated when you first moved here? Well what happened did you two just grow feelings for each other when I was gone?"

"No I-" "because if so you can gladly leave and-" "I didn't want to kiss him! He kissed me. I would never do that. I pushed him away the second it happened. Please Grayson" he looks down but lifts his head and the door opens and Ethan walks in

"I should go. Text me?" I say and walk towards the door, slid past Ethan and walk home

Grayson's POV

She leaves and Ethan walks towards me

"Trouble in paradise?" He says as he walks past me to the kitchen

I turn to him and say "something you wanna tell me?"

He frowns his eyebrows and pouts his lip, thinking

"Between you and Isabella" he looks around then comes to the realization of what I was talking about

"Oh yeah. We kissed. Well I kissed her mainly, surprising she wasn't into it"

"What the hell!" I shout. "You kissed my girlfriend? And you think it's normal? What do you like her or something?"

"What if I did?"

"Well it would be hard to believe given the fact that you've hated her ever since she got here"

"You know what I'm done taking to you. I'm sick of people thinking they know me " "I'm your twin brother, what do I not know?"

He didn't reply

"So you're just gonna ignore me now?"

"Ok I admit I was wrong and I 'apologize' for that but just because we are brothers doesn't mean you know how I feel"

"You know what, it's because you're a vampire now. Ever since you turned you've become a totally different person"

His face turns into pure anger

"You think I wanted this? I was forced in this. You can't even comprehend how I felt when Klaus did this to me."

Once he raised his voice I realized how stupid I sounded

"I'm sorry" "no. Just. Just forget it" he walked towards the door and went out side to cool down

As he did that I texted Isabella to meet me at the park in the middle of town

She quickly responded yes and I walked outside

I looked around for Ethan but he wasn't out there anymore. He must have taken a walk

When I got there I saw Isabella sitting at a beach

I sat next to her said "hi"

"hey" "Bella I am so sorry for what I said. I know it wasn't your fault. I just got jealous"

"gray you don't need to apologize. You had everything reason to react how you did"

I nod "so did you and Ethan talk?" "Yeah. And, I said something's I didn't mean. And now it's pretty late and dark and I have no idea where he is"

"Go find him" "but I-" "listen, I've never grown up with a sibling, but you have. A twin at that. You guys have the most amazing bond and you can't just throw that away. You two are family. And in this life, family is the only thing that will keep you stable"

After our talk I looked for Ethan everywhere and didn't find him, soon I find out that he was already home

I walk into his room and find him on his bed on his phone he looks up at me then back at his phone

"Hey I wanted to say I'm sorry for what I said earlier. You're my brother and I should've have been so insensitive about you turning"

"It's fine" still doesn't look up

"no seriously dude, I'm sorry"

"Gray" he finally looks up "you're fine. I get it. You were angry and needed to blow off some stem"

"so...we're good?"

"Dude, we're family. We are more than good"

Ethan's POV

before heading home

I stand by Bella's window waiting for her to walk in

She slightly jumps as she sees me "Ethan" she says in relief "Grayson has been looking all over for you"

"I know"

"Well then what are you doing here?"

"I wanted to apologize"

She looked at me in disbelief

"I shouldn't have kissed you, especially since you're dating my brother. Yes I have feelings for you that I know you will never feel for me. And I'm fine with that. As long as you know"

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