Scooter: Justin, did you hear what I just said?.....Justin?...JUSTIN DREW BIEBER!--

That was the last I heard. So I'm guessing the phone died.

I just layed on the bed and stared at the ceiling. Thinking of how horrible I am, and how much Laura deserves someone way better than me.

I suddenly heard the front door slam shut.


Justin: Laura, where are you going?!



Justin: Laura! Where are you going!?

I couldnt stay there knowing that's he probably hates me.

Justin's music means alot to him. So I couldn't really blame him for being pissed off.

He's had his music way before he's had me in his life. So his music will always be first...hopefully, I can be a close second.

But, I don't know.

I saw Justin come down to the receptionist as I drove of the drive way.

Go ahead, and call me dramatic. But the worst thing in the world is knowing that the person you love is upset with you...or hates you, even.

I parked my car at the Lynch's drive way.

No...I'm not here to see Ross. Cause then that would just mean he was right...kinda.

Hopefully, they wouldn't notice that I may have teared up a little on my drive to their's.

Riker: Laura..?

Riker opened the door a few seconds after I rang the door bell.

Laura: hey riker.

I gave him a side hug, as I walked him to the living room, where Rydel and Kelsey were watching.....a racing whatever sports shit?


Kelsey: YES! Rydel, you owe me 50 bucks. I told you the blue car would win!


Kelsey: oh my god! Laura!

Rydel: Laura Marie marano!

They both squealed as they gave my a death squeezing hug, causing me to drop my purse.

Laura: hey guys-- oh god! Please let go..

Rydel: what are you doing here at this time of the day?

Question is, why are you two watching car racing shit at this time of the day?

Laura: I just...came over-- and to be honest, I don't even know if I'm sleeping over.

Rydel: oh my GOD!

Rydel squealed nearly bursting our ear drums.

Kelsey: what is it?

Rydel: screw Ryland! And screw Ross! Tonight, we are gonna have a sleepover!

She grabbed both our hands and started jumping up and down!

Laura: what the--uh, Rydel, Ross and I aren't dati--

Rydel: I said screw Ross!'s just us girls.

Kelsey: but...Ryland is--

Rydel: forget!...tonight is gonna be fun. Even tho court and vanni aren't in two are my favourite girls.....Don't tell  court and vanni.

She whispered the last part.

I really wish I was in such a mood.

Such a cheery mood. Even at 1am...Delly can never not give a smile.


This part sucks. I suck at writing.


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