Rory, Steph, Rosemary and Logan just laughed.

"Last night was really fun, we need to more things like that. Like the good old times."Finn told them.

"I know, we should do something crazy before our wedding. Like we did years ago, jumping of that high tower." Logan told them while taking a bite from his croissant.

"I'll never forget how nervous I was just climbing up that latter." Rory said while grabbing Logan's hand.

"I know you were, if I remember correctly that was just weeks before you gave me the ultimatum. In or out." Logan told her while kissing her on her mouth.

"Aww you guys are just adorable." Rosemary told them.

After they had eaten their breakfast, they decided to go back to Rory and Logan's apartment and just hang out. They walked out from the coffee shop and into the car.
Suddenly Logan's phone rang, he sighed loudly when he saw it was his father calling him.

"Logan? What's wrong?" Rory asked him worryingly.

"It's just my dad calling me, I still haven't told him or mom about my remission." Logan answered her while looking at the phone.

"Huntz, maybe you should just let it go to voice mail and cheek later what he wanted."Finn told him.

"I think you're right Finn, if it's important then he can just leave a voice mail." Logan said while ignoring his father's call.

20 minutes later they entered the apartment again. They decided to watch a movie for a while.

"What do you guys want to see?" Stephanie asked them.

"Maybe Dirty Dancing?" Rory suggested much to the guys disappointment.

"Or we can watch Fast and Furious 7?" Finn suggested instead.

"I think we should take a vote." Colin suggested to the group.

"All in favor of Dirty Dancing, raise your hand." Logan said.

Both Rory and Rosemary raised their hands, realizing the others didn't raise their hands.

"All in favor of Fast and Furious 7, raise your hands." Logan said once again.

Finn, Colin, Steph and Logan raised their hands, knowing they had won.

"Fast and Furious 7 it is then." Rory sighed sarcastically.

"Sorry love, we won." Finn told her jokingly.

Rory got up from the couch and grabbed the Fast and Furious 7 movie. Much to the others amusement.

"There, you happy?" Rory asked them laughing.

"Yes, very happy." Colin answered her also laughing.

Then half through the movie, Steph had suggested that they should order something to eat. After another round of debating, they had finally decided on ordering pizzas. Rory had called and ordered the pizzas. Two Hawaii's and two Margaritas.
15 minutes later the pizzas had arrived and they all had eagerly stated eating.

"Finally some food, I'm starving." Finn said while grabbing a slice.

"Finn, we literally ate like 2 hours ago." Rory told him laughing.

"Well Finn is food crazy, haven't you noticed?" Rosemary said while laughing.

"What can I say? I love food." Finn exlaimed.

After the movie had ended, Colin and Stephanie said they should get going so they decided to talk soon. Shortly after they two had left, Finn and Rosemary also decided to leave but Finn said he would call Logan the next day.

"What do you want to do now babe?" Rory asked Logan after everyone had left.

"I'm actually kind of tired, I think I should get some rest." Logan answered her.

"I think that's a good idea, do you mind if I join you?" Rory asked him while standing up from the couch.

"I don't mind at all." Logan answered her while also standing up then he grabbed her hand and they both walked into the bedroom.

"Should we set an alarm so we don't sleep too long?" Rory asked him.

"I think that's a good idea." Logan answered her.

Once they had laid down on the bed, Logan wrapped his arms around Rory's waist and then shortly fell asleep and so did Rory.

What does Mitchum want this time? Has he found out about Logan's new condition? And in that case, how?

Sorry for taking so long to update, have been busy.. Spent almost an entire day at the hospital the other day, problem with my heart.. Feeling better now though.

My knight In Shining Armorजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें