Chapter Eleven

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Newt Scamander

P.S. What are your thoughts on Hippogriffs? My mother used to breed them, just curious.

If only the world could understand how excited Milo became each time he received a letter from Newt, not to mention, they weren't just generic letters, Newt genuinely seemed interested in Milo's response, leaving the boy to nearly write through the parchment paper every time he wrote back. Milo knew what Hippogriffs were, unfortunately, he just wasn't able to come into meeting one. But he certainly wanted to, he wondered what Newt's interest was beside simple curiosity. There definitely had to be more to it, Newt Scamander was known for the tricks up his sleeves. 

"Well, Paden, it should be a happy reunion for you," Milo said as he was packing up his trunk and carefully placed the letter in, not wanting to wrinkle it in the slightest. "You'll get to see Newt again. I'm sure you'll like that, right?"

Paden climbed down from where he was perched on the boy's bedpost, quietly gnawing at the wood. He made his way over and leapt off the bed and into Milo's hands letting out a series of chirps. It was nice for the bowtruckle to see Milo in better spirits since the boy had the falling out with Cedric and Harry, Paden had been worried that Milo was going to fall into another slump. 

Much like the bowtruckle appearance, Milo was quite fragile, the only problem was he put on the appearance that he was strong and could handle everything that was thrown in his direction. Unfortunately, that wasn't the case, Paden could tell by the small scabs that had formed on the tops of Milo's hand from where the boy had been picking at himself. His hair was even more unruly than usual from the constant method of attempting to self-soothe by pulling at it. 

Yet, there was Milo trying to reassure everyone that he was doing just fine. He smiled at his mother, he smiled around Elspeth and Silas, even putting on the brave face for Gwen and Rosmerta but when the boy was alone in his room, Paden witnessed how the boy truly felt. 

Alone. Sad. Angry. Confused. Heartbroken. 

All hidden behind the smile when he was around the people he cared about. Paden was fearful to witness another outburst like what had occurred between Milo and Cedric. He was sure that it wouldn't have escalated as quickly as it did if Milo didn't keep everything bottled up inside for the sake of keeping everyone else happy but himself. He finally lost it and even though it may not have all been intended for Cedric to receive, he definitely made his point clear that he was done. 

It wasn't Milo's fault. It wasn't Harry's fault and it wasn't Cedric's fault. Unfortunately, the world had put the three boys in terribly difficult situations at a young age and expected them to deal with it. The problem was, all three boys had it in their minds that they had to deal with it on their own, rather than reaching out for help. 


Milo decided that he was not taking the Hogwarts Express that year, like his first year, he would wait around in Hogsmeade until the train arrived and then he would make his way there like the other students. Silas wanted to spend more time around him and his mother, so he vouched out of taking the train as well, promising himself that he would catch up with Neville and Colin when he saw them at the Welcoming Feast. 

Elspeth wanted to stay with them, but she had her own work to tend to on the castle grounds and Milo had to assume it had to do with the dementors that had been stationed all around. 

"Make sure you say hello to Remus for me," Elspeth said as she went to leave, however, she quickly realised what she said and clapped her hand over her mouth before the two heard her whisper to herself. "Dammit."

"What do you mean say hello to Remus?" Milo questioned with a tilt of his head, the two boys were sitting in the Three Broomsticks, Rosmerta had promised to bring them up the castle when the time came. Silas had a wicked grin on his face as he was kneeling on the stool, resting on Milo's shoulders. 

The woman sighed heavily before throwing her head back. "It was meant to be a surprise, but my big mouth....honestly...I can manage a secret for how long but I couldn't keep this a secret...oh, whatever!"

She turned to the boys with a faint smile. "Keep it to yourselves," she told them in a warning tone, "if this comes back to me...well....I have no problem destroying the two of you. But yes, Remus ended up being offered the position to teach Defence Against the Dark Arts, you haven't seen him around, Milo because he's been preparing himself."

The look in her eye meant she was hinting at the man possibly preparing himself to teach while dealing with his lycanthropy. However, she wasn't going to flat out mention it, Milo was fairly certain that Silas wasn't aware of that part. He simply nodded before her words fully registered in his head and his eyes lit up. His godfather was teaching at Hogwarts?! Besides the Newt news, it was the best news that Milo had received all summer.

"This is fantastic!" Milo said standing up abruptly and nearly knocking the small boy behind him off his stool. Luckily, Silas balanced himself by gripping onto the boy's back and holding on. Eventually, it was just Milo holding him on his back, even though he didn't seem to mind at all.

"Yes, it is, but keep it to yourselves," Elspeth said, " I mean it. Just allow them to make the announcement up at the castle."

The two agreed and the woman left, leaving Silas to slide down Milo's back to the floor. Milo turned to him with a grin to see that Silas looked just as pleased.

"Do you know Remus?" Milo asked him.

The boy lifted up one of his hands and shook it slightly. " Sort of. I've seen him a couple of times back when my mum came to visit me. Although at the time I wasn't talking to her so I didn't talk to him either. I thought he was her boyfriend at the time but my grandparents told me that they're just really good friends. My grandma said that they've been there for each other for a long time."

"They have been. Don't worry I thought the same thing when I met them again last year."

Silas looked down at the table in front of them for a few seconds before looking back at Milo. " I'm guessing he knows who my father is. Maybe I can get the information out of him, you know?"

Milo suddenly felt uncomfortable since he had the information that Silas obviously wanted desperately. He imagined it was how Harry felt in some ways since the Dursleys had lied to him about their parents. Claiming that Lily and James had died in a car crash rather than them dying nobly protecting their sons.

However, there was nothing noble about Silas' father, so Milo didn't think anyone who knew was going to disclose the information. He wouldn't even tell his brother that Sirius Black was his godfather, he couldn't bring himself to tell Silas that the man was his father. And if he and Remus were as similar as people claimed them to be, then Remus wouldn't dare to say anything unless Elspeth told him it was okay to do so. But did Remus want to discuss the man that had killed his friends that he once considered his brother? Milo didn't think so.

"I think your mum will tell you when the time is right, Silas. My mum didn't tell me everything about my life until she knew I was ready. I think your mum wants to do the same thing. I trust that you'll get your answers, Silas. Sometimes you just have to be extremely patient."

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