"I don't even understand how you guys can cook," I mumbled as I shamelessly pushed another piece into my mouth. They all laughed and said a thank-you. Mel gave me a sly look, and I wondered what she was thinking.

"What?" I asked when she smiled at me knowingly.

"So... did you do it last night?" She asked teasingly. My face turned bright red, and I shook my head. She chuckled, "I'm kidding dear. But still, I expect you to be expecting my grandchild in several months."

My face somehow turned even brighter red, and I ducked my head and suddenly found my feet extremely exciting. She laughed and served me up a dish of food, and motioned me off to the dining room. I walked in and didn't expect several warriors sitting there. They all looked up and said good morning.

"Good morning everyone," I mumbled back and walked to where the Luna was supposed to sit. I sat down and glanced down at my hands in my lap as everyone stared at me. Molly rolled her eyes and folded her hands on the table.

"How are you, Luna Gemma?" She asked brightly, giving me a teasing smile.

"Good, though I'm very tired, and my feet hurt from walking so much," I said softly and looked around. I noticed no one had eaten yet. I blinked, they were waiting for Cole weren't they?

Our pack normally didn't eat as a pack, the warriors woke up early, grabbed some food and went out to train. Then they came back and ate an actual breakfast. By then, the Alpha had already finished or was eating in his office, like normal.

"So, Luna, what do you think about the new warriors from the other packs?" Someone, whose name I didn't know, queried.

"Er- I haven't actually met them really, or seen them train," I said softly. So my mate must be an exchange warrior. He'll be gone for several months unless he gets asked to stay. Which I hoped he didn't.

"You know, Luna," Laiken said, "I don't think I've ever seen you fight before."
"Well, I trained with the higher ranking wolves," I muttered, and played with my hair. Where was Cole? The quicker he got down here, we could eat, and I could leave and avoid all these questions.

Speak of the devil, and he shall arrive. Cole walked in and sat down beside me. He grunted his hello to everyone. As everyone watched us, I dug through my head, trying to remember what they do. I'm supposed to feed him first, and then he feeds me right? I wondered and then glanced at Cole.

I feed you, right? I mind-linked nervously, meeting his gaze.


I took my fork, and cut up a pancake and slowly pushed it towards his mouth. My hand was visibly shaking, I was freaking out. He smiled slightly, and opened his mouth, accepting the food. He took the fork out of my hands, and cut up the same pancake and moved it towards my mouth. Ew, I was a total germaphobe, but it was just like kissing. Which we would do a lot of in the future.

I ate the food, awkwardly chewing, and once I swallowed everyone else started to eat. I relaxed, glad that everyone's gaze was finally off me. I ate the rest of my food, and when I was about to get to leave, Cole grabbed my forearm and stood up.

"Shall we go evaluate the new warriors?" He asked, and I knew I had to choice but to come.

"Of course," I said with a tight smile.

We held hands and walked out of the packed house to the training grounds. Hundreds of wolves stood there, exchanging blows, shifting, and growling threats. We stood there for a while watching, before Cole cleared his throat, gaining everyone's attention.

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