Chapter 8: Chapter 8: promise broken and then finally keeping that promise.

Start from the beginning

"Hang on!!" Jason's mother says.

Joe continues his trip to get the little boy down and I cannot take my eyes away from them right now. Joe finally makes it to the boys cart and the boy looks to scared to move at first.

But after a few moments Joe manages to get the boy into his arm.

"He's got him!!" Gregg confirms.

Suddenly there is a bang and Joe looses grip with his legs. He roars as he goes smashing into the Ferris wheel.

"OH NO!!" Jason's mum cries out as she worries for her son. "JASON!!"

Joe manages to get his legs back on and I sigh. "Come on Joe!!"

Suddenly the bars begin to groan and break that are holding the Ferris wheel up. I know what that means and I feel like screaming.

"My god it's gonna tip!!" Gregg says. "ITS GONNA TILT EVERYBODY GET BACK!!"

Henry grabs my arms and he has to drag me back.

"JOE!!" I yell as Henry continues to drag me and Gregg also tries to get me to move quicker. "JOE!!"

We make it far away and the officer had to drag the mother away as well.

I turn and watch as Joe begins to yell as the ride begins to tilt. Jason also begins to yell. All the sparks and the fire flashes in front of our eyes as the ride begins to come down.

Henry pulls me into him as Joe kicks off from the ride not too far from the ride. I feel myself shake with fear.


I finally look back to see Joe on the ground. Jason nestled in his arm. Joe protected him.

I look at Jill and we both go running over to Joe. Henry and Gregg go to help Jason. Jill and I go straight to Joe's head and we are worried when we see his eyes closed.

We stroke Joe as we try to get him to wake up.

"JOE!! Open your eyes!!" I beg him. "Come on big guy open them for us!!"

"Come on!!" Jill also tries to get him to react.

"Open your eyes!!" I say again as my eyes fill with tears. "Joe please open your eyes!! Don't do this!!"

"Oh I'm so sorry!!" Jason's mother says as she holds her son.

"COME ON JOE!!" I yell as Jill moves to Joe's chest. "YOU CANNOT LEAVE US!! WE NEED YOU!!"

She looks at me.

"Joe?" I ask him again.

"Katelyn," Jill says and I look at her. She shakes her head.

"NO!!" I yell loudly and turn back to the gorilla. "NO. NO!!"

I begin to sob as I feel my heart begin to break.

"Mommy is he going to be okay?" I hear Jason ask his mother.

"I don't know," his mother replies.

"NO!!" I scream and Jill comes over and kneels at my side. "JOE!!"

Henry and Gregg move forwards as a bunch of people try to come towards us.

"Keep these people back!!" Gregg says.

"No," I say quietly as I weep and so does Jill. "NO!!"

I continue to weep and Jill sobs as we both lay our heads on Joe's arm. I feel as if I have failed my mother. We promised. We promised we would look after each other and Joe.

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