It's a......

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"Congratulations you're having a little BOY!!!" I look over at Gabbie and see tears welling up in her eyes "I'll give you a little time to yourselves while I go have these pictures of your little guy printed." The doctor says walking towards the door. A little boy, I have had a feeling ever since we found out Gabbie was pregnant I thought that it was a boy and I was right!

Gabbies pov

I look over at Colleen and she's glowing with excitement, I know she wanted a little boy and it honestly didn't matter to me I just wanted a healthy baby. I pull my shirt down and reach for Colleens hand for her to help me sit up. She helps me off of the table and we walk to the front dest to get the ultrasound pictures of our handsome guy. On the car ride home I just stare at the pictures. I can't wait to meet him and now we have to decide on a name, I'm pretty sure we are both clueless on that one but I know that we will figure it out. We finally get home and I decide to invite David and Liza over for dinner so that we can share our big news!

Later that Night

We decided to order italian take out for dinner because neither Colleen or I wanted to actually cook. I'm so excited to tell David and Liza that we are having a boy. Its 5:50 and I told them they could come around 6:00 so they should be here any minute. I walk to the bathroom where Colleen was getting ready. "Hello gorgeous." I say placing my hands on her waist. She turns around and kisses me. I deepen the kiss and we stand there for what seems like an eternity. Suddenly we hear a knock on the door and Colleen goes to open it.

Colleens pov

I walk over to the door and open it, "So whats for dinner?" Liza says walking in "yeah I'm starving" David utters as I close the door behind him. " We decided to order italian considering neither Myself or Gabbie feel like cooking." I say. Gabbie walks out of the room and greets David and Liza with a hug. "So glad you guys could come! We have some pretty exciting news!" Gabbie exclaims. "News? We already knew you were pregnant." David sarcastically says. Gabbie smacks him on the arm and says " You're so dumb sometimes, I know you knew that we were having a baby, but today we found out what the baby's gender is!" "Wait so you both know right now?" Liza asks excitedly. "Sure do!" I say smiling. "Well?"Liza says glaring at Gabbie and I. We ask them to guess first and they both guess girl. We can see the anticipation in their faces so I start a count down. " ok Gabs on the count of three we tell them 1... 2... 3... its a BOY!!!" They both now have smiles on their faces from ear to ear. "Congrats guys! We're so excited! So are you naming him Jet or Carlos?" Liza jokes. We all laugh and order our food. Now its time to eat! 

Authors note: sorry for the shortness of this part I just wanted to hurry and get something up for y'all. Also don't forget to leave name suggestions in the comments so that I can pick one! I will probably reveal the name I picked in either the next part or the one after that! Thanks again for reading. I hope you enjoy reading it just as much as  I enjoy writing it. Ta ta for now!

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