Another tag...

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Random_Kawaii_Otaku tagged me, why did you do this??? Lol its fine, now I have something to do.

1. Your nickname-
Well most of my family calls me "monkey" and I don't know why, otherwise I don't have one

2. Your eye color-
A darkish blue gray

3. Your hair color-
My hair is usually a dark brown, but in ths summer it bleaches to a lighter brown with alot of blonde highlights

4. One fact about you-
Uh.....I play two instruments, the trombone and the tuba, and I'm working on maybe learning the trumpet

5. Favorite color-
I would say black, but I'm told that technically it's not a life is a life. So I would say dark purple, like plum that's almost black

6. Favorite place-
Any library or small coffee shop. They're just so chill and comforting, and they usually smell good

7. Favorite celebrity-
I don't really have one per say, but I love Chester in peace

8. Favorite animal-
Definately dogs. I've grown up with dogs my whole life and they just make me so happy. I'm really sad that I don't have one right now

9. Favorite song-
This is so hard because I listen to so much music, but i'd have to say Drag Me to the Grave by BVB is the best. It's my motivation song, like I you ever feel like shit, just listen to it

10. Favorite book-
Right now, it's Six of Crows. I've only read the first, but I'm in love

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