Chapter 2

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"*Ring Ring Ring*

I hear my phone ring from my jean pocket. With a tired groan, I grab my phone and answer it.


"(Y/n)!" I hear Sarah cry out, franticly.

"Hey Sarah? What's wrong? Are you okay?" I ask in concern.

"No, I'm not okay! My book is missing!"

"Oh" I look down at my chest and see Sarah's book. I must have forgot to give it back. Oops. "Hey Sarah, relax. I have your book. I forgot to give it back. Sorry"

"Oh! It's okay (y/n)! I thought something terrible has happen! Can you look after it until tomorrow?" Sarah ask. I notice that she sounded relief. She must have been glad that I had her book and not some stranger.

"Yeah, of course Sarah!" I reassure her.

"Alright. Thanks (y/n)! Oh! And before I go, did your parents grounded you for being late? " Sarah ask worriedly.

"No worries Sarah and no, they didn't ground me. They just gave me the most horrible punishment ever!"

"And what's that?"

"Babysitting Toby" I groan out.

I hear Sarah giggle over the phone. Finding my pain funny. 'Meanie'. "At least they didn't ground you, (y/n)"

"Yeah but still! Toby can be such a handful. *Sign* Anyway, I better go and look after him. Bye Sarah, I'll see you tomorrow at school" I bid farewell to Sarah and once she has said her goodbyes, I ended the call.

With a sigh, I put my phone down and stare at the celling. My eyes start to wonder onto the book that I'm still holding. I pick it up and look at the red cover, with the words 'Labyrinth' written on it in gold. I lazily trace the black bolder with my thumb.

Seeing how I have time on my hands, I decide to read it. After all, during all this time that I have known Sarah. I had never read the book before. Always settling with watching Sarah act it out. As I read up to the part where the girl is at the Labyrinth, I can hear the winds outside pick up. Making the tress next to the house hit the windows.

It wasn't long until I heard Toby cry his lungs out. "Ugh!" I groan out annoy. Since I was getting into the book, I didn't want to stop reading. Unfortunately, being the eldest means that I had to do my job and look after Toby. As I shut the book and lay it gently on my bed side table, next to my wooden toy soldiers that my grandfather got me, I get up and walk over to my parent's room where Toby's colt is placed.

"Waaa!" Toby cry out. Just when I walk into the room. I roll my eyes and turn the lights on. "What do you want?" I ask, annoy. Somewhat hopping that Toby would reply back. 'If only you could, you would make my life so much easier. But then again, you could be more annoying if you did' .

Rushing over to Toby, who is standing up and holding onto the cot for support. I notice something. "Sir Didymus!" I cry out and grab the toy that Sarah has given me for Christmas. "You just love taking everything from me, huh?" I ask Toby, in anger as I hold Didymus close to my chest. "Honestly, what else are you planning to take away from me?!"

"Waaa!" Toby cry out and I place Sir Didymus on the bed. "Okay okay! I'll tell you a story, you needy baby! " I said as I pick Toby up. Balancing him in my arms, in hope to get him to stop crying. I quickly try to remember how 'The Labyrinth' goes, recalling all the times I've seen Sarah act it out and the chapters I read.

"Okay, once upon a time, there was a beautiful young girl who always had to look after a baby. And the baby was spoiled. Making the girl a slave to him. But no one knew was that the Goblin King fell in love with her and gave her certain powers!" I recall in a rush as I pace up and down the room with Toby in my arms, still crying.

"Sounds amazing, right? Well, one night, when the baby had been particularly cruel to her, she asked the goblin for help. "Say the right words", the Goblin King said, "And we'll take the baby to the goblin city, and you will be free." But the girl knew the King of the goblins would keep the baby in his castle forever!" I pause as I try to remember what happens next.

"Oh! And the Goblin King will turn the baby into a goblin! So, until one night, the girl could no longer stand it!" I cry out dramatically. Only for Toby to cry out more. "Okay! Jeez, don't like the story? Then you would not like Sarah. Gosh you're needy! Just shut up already" I yell out frustrated, as I try to get Toby to quiet down.

Just as Toby start to quiet down, I place him back in bed. Laying the blanket on top of him. Only for him to kick it off and continue crying. "TOBY! My God, just shut up!" Having enough of Toby's shit, since I've reach my breaking point, I decide to leave him despite knowing this is the wrong thing to do.

I headed to the door so that I may leave and continue reading. I froze as an idea enter my head just as I turned the lights off. For a familiar string of words worm their way into my head. Recalling the words I read, I quietly whisper them as Toby cries. Drowning them out so much that even I could barely hear myself.

" I wish the Goblin King would come take you away right now"

I quickly leave the room, somewhat relief seeing as I can now ignore all my responsibilities and continue reading. I close the door behind me walk towards my bedroom, however I stop in the middle of the hallway as I notice something strange. Toby has stop crying.


As the world falls down || Jareth x reader ||حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن