Mopinian training

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Every single morphinian is born with great power like I said before but some are not so they stay on the planet training but the son of king Morpheus was born with an incredible power level of 9001 which is the highest power level of a child they have ever seen and deemed this child dangerous and so king Morpheus had no choice but to send this child from birth to a far away place on the planet where no others are allowed to go except those born of royal blood can pass through the barrior which blocks off everything else.

so from the inside it makes the person think there is no one else on the planet except them self and forces them to stay inside there is only one person inside a trainer which even tho has no royal blood has been deemed able to cross the barrior on this one occasion to help the kings son grow and train him to use this power even the king has not got so that's the reason people were worried the king would get hurt and so the king summoned the best warior the planet had to other captain morphinas his power level is about 5000 not even at full power which is close to the kings base power level of 7000 these are just assumptions because the mashines break everytime you power up too much brakeing the machine so no one can tell how powerful you are unless they have the ability to sence power levels or in other universes strength it depends where your from and so inside the barrior as soon as the captain finished teaching him language and all the other things like tactics and many other important things its basicly like being at school but better and so as soon as mophinain was able to stand and run the captain started training him and so begins the training.

Uhhh sir how much longer do I have to stay still.

As long as I tell you too and don't ask again you must clear your mind and become one with the world around you

Yea I can't exactly do that when theres a barrior stopping me from seeing the world.

What? How does he know its a barrior thats impossible it can trick even the most best of are people and this kid worked it out after 1 day of meditation training, well that's to protect you kid and everyone else you can't leave until you're ready or I say otherwise.

Uggg but iv been meditating under this water fall of lava for ages now, (if your wondering how on earth I was doing that its possible when your calm and have high power and resistance to stay under it, it basically increases how much heat and pressure you can withstand and I was under it all day.) And its starting to irritate me how its not hot anymore I think I'm finished.

They underestimated this kid potential he's like a genius he finished mental training in just a day(i forgot to say its night time now unless you guessed)all right kid get out of there and stand in front of me.

Heh finally this lava itches after awhile until its too cold for me now so let's see what you got for me next.

You'll see what I got for you next kid I hope your as ready as you think you are because the next test is going to be hell even I took ages to master this next test so it will be hard for you I know it but you'll be able to master this next test because of your inheritance of power and your genes but let's get on with it kid.

Hmpth we will see if this test of yours is hard or not hahah take me to it.

We will be going to the legendary training area inside the barrior still hut you couldn't see it or access it until you finished this test, but you may think its easy but this test has only been completed by a fare view kid such as me and your farther so I hope your ready for hell.
The blue dragon fire the most legendary fire in all the universe it burns like a star and is magical as anything seen, find out more in the next chapter.

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