Ch-11 he's Jerker than the Jerk!!

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" And you never bothered to let us know" Cassie snaps , hurt clearly evident in her eyes.
" I'm so sorry Cass , I just didn't want to worry you guys"
" Riley , we are your friends . We'll always be there for you . And Nora is not a burden on us , she's like an angel . We love her as much as you do" Blake comforts me.
" Thank you Parker" I smile at him .

" let's go and find her first " Evan say looking worried.
Suddenly all my worries surface again and I start panicking .
" Yes,  let's go" Everyone encourages .

As I get up from the chair , Jake pulls on my arm
" I'm sorry" he looks down .
" It's okay Jakie, no need to be sorry" he nods and flashes his hundred watt smile.

" We'll all go in different directions , that way it will be easy to find her "  Blake suggests .
" Yes,  Jake you will come with me , Riley go to the back.....Cass go in the right and Blake , you to the left " Evan commands as everyone nod their head and follow his instructions.

I squeeze myself between the people in the large crowd. My heart beating faster every second .

Some look at me weirdly while other scream profanities at me while I just make a sorry face.

" Hey,  you bitch....don't you have eyes" a large hairy guy screams at me but I give him no heed .

My eyes keep searching a small girl dressed in pink.
Where are you ? Nora , please don't be in danger , please.

Finally making my way out of the room I'm welcomed by some fresh air .
But it is  crowded too since summer breaks are going on.

The place in front of me is decorated beautifully as I see a huge gate with a borad written "Beach fair " on it.

I walk towards the gate . " Excuse me Ma'am,  can you show your ticket " a thin blonde guy dressed in uniform stops me.
" Ummm.....I don't have one" I scratch the back of my neck.
"Then I'm really sorry ,but you can't enter" he says sternly.
" But I need to look for someone , I lost her" .
" I'm sorry but you cant"
What an imbecile nincompoop , he's Jerker than the Jerk!!

" Excuse me , i lost my daughter and you are saying that I can't enter in here . How dare you !!" I say as his eyes widen .
" You have a daughter "!! He speaks .
I nod my head ." You seem too young ..." he trails of as a slight pink appears on his cheek .

" Can I enter now , pweeeeaaase" I make my best puppy eyes.
He looks at me for some time.
" NO"
Whaaa??? He refused me ? Again!

"How do I trust you , who is the father "he continues .
" I swear I've got a father ....i mean my daughter has a father , he's a jerk and he's also searching for her .
Please let me in .....please " I join my hands.

He bends towards me " I'll let you in , but be careful nobody sees you" he whispers in my ear .
" Thank you,  thank you,  thank you so much " I literally hug him .
" umm sorry" I retract myself back .
He smiles at me .

I run inside but soon stop in my track . " which direction should I go "?? " left...right , no I should go right...yes yes right that is " .

The place is big and people are so joyous that it slightly lifts my unhappy mood.

Nora , Nora where are you?
Angel ,Mommy is here.


It seems like ages as I stop for the first time near a small ice cream parlor after almost thirty minutes of running.

There are still no traces of Nora.

I rest my back against the creamy wall and close my eyes.
My ear are suddenly filled by a rich , familiar giggling.


I Jerk open my eyes and l look around to search for the voice.
I see a lean, muscular guy standing few metres apart and talking to a kid. I can't see the face of the kid .

I approach them as a familiar face comes into view.
A sense of relief suddenly washes over me .

"Mommie" Nora notices me .oh ,how I missed her!!
"Angel" I hug her tightly as a small tear escapes my eyes.

Finally! Finally I found her ! She's here, my arms.

"Where were you , Mommie missed you" I whisper .
"Sowieeeeee, I wanted the cotton candy" she shows off the pink candy she's holding in her tiny hands.
"Angel , please don't go anywhere without Mommie ,okay"!! She wipes my tear with her small hands.
"Pinky pwomise" she holds out her tiny finger.
"Pinky pwomise "

Someone clears their throat .

I look up to see the same muscular guy . To say I am not  drooling over him would be a white lie. He is actually a Greek God.

"Hey , I'm Riley"
"Oh ! So you are that famous Mommie huh " he winks at me ."I'm Aiden by the way" .
"Yes I guess" I chuckle .

"Were you gonna kidnap her"? I watch his reaction.
"Woahhh!  Why would I kidnap her"? He asks me clearly surprised  by my question.

So he is not one of those devils! Phew!

" I found her alone and asked her about you but she was adamant to buy a candy, so I bought her one" he explains.
" I'm sorry , I was just worried about her".
" It's okay, I totally understand" he smiles warmly.

"Candy , stop licking your fingers " he tells Nora .
"Candy? You named her Candy ? That's so cute" I chuckle
" Yeah " he chuckles too busy wiping Nora's now ruined dress with his handkerchief.

Oh how cute!!

I sigh in relief and run my hand through my messy Brown hair" I look around the place admiring its beauty when suddenly my eyes fall on a familiar figure.

What is he doing here?
Didn't he say that he was going out of town for some  work.

But since his back is  turned towards me , I couldn't tell if he is Liam or not .
But I think he is !

"Liam " I shout as I see his body stiffening .
But instead of turning around , he walks taking large and fast steps.
I run towards him. But it's too late since I already lost him.

" Is everything okay" Aiden comes by my side .
I run a hand through my hair"yes" .
"Let's go" he picks Nora in his arms.

But the only thing in my mind is

'Why did Liam lie to me'.?


Heyaaa!! Whatcha doin pikasss!
So we have a new entry .....what do u guys think of Aiden .
Is he really not one of the devils or is he???

I hope u liked the chapter .

If u guys want a new cover for ur book . Check out my new Cover book^_^

Enjoy!! Smile:)


#A XD ❤

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