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Madison's pov:

After getting hair dye for Luna I hop in my car and drive back to joeys house.

I picked up some Starbucks to make me feel better since I felt a little dehydrated.

I park my car in the drive way and walk into joeys big mansion.

I throw away my Starbucks and walk to Luna's room but she was no where to be found.

Then I heard Luna in joeys room.

Hmm I wonder what there doing?

I walk to joeys room and open his door.
"Luna I got your-"I saw Joey kissing Luna.

"oh hey Madison thanks for the hair dye!"She walks up to me and grabs the hair dye out of my hand and turns around and winks at Joey.

"I had fun Joey!"She giggles while walking away.

"when were you and Luna a thing." I tried not to tear up.

I was gonna yell at him till I realized we aren't even dating.

"Madison I can explain sh-"

"whatever Joey I'm tiered I'm going back to my room goodnight!"

Before he could say anything else I walked back to my room.

And went to bed crying.

I was currently watching River dale when I hear my door open.

I look and I see Joey.

"hey Madison can I talk to you?"He says sitting down in front of me.

"yah sure."I say turning off my laptop and place my laptop on the floor.

"I'm sorry Luna is the one who kissed me in the first place pleaseeee don't be mad!!"

"woah Joey calm down we aren't even together!"

"oh yah.." he looks down at his hands.

He pauses for a second.

"so what are we?" He looks back up at me,

"what do you think?" I look back in his eyes.

"I think this."Then he leans in and kisses me.
It was short but passionate.

"okay bye!" He says running away.

"hey come back!"I say chasing after him.
I run into his room and look around to find Joey.


The next thing you know I'm thrown onto his bed.

"AH JOEY OH MY GOSH!" I laugh at him.

"I love you." He plops down on his bed next to me.

"I love you too." I smile at how cheesy he was being.

"I was hoping you would say that!"He says smiling.

"so you didn't answer my question Joey." I sit up so I can look at him.

"what was it?"He says laying his head down on my lap.

"what do you think we are?" I smile looking down at him.

"human..." Joey laughs.

"oh Joseph c'mon!!" I roll my eyes.

"I really don't know what do you want us to be?"He says sitting up looking straight into my eyes

"I-I "I didn't know what to say.

I felt a soft pair of lips hit my lips.

"I know what I want us to be!" He says pulling away.


"I want us to be boyfriend and girlfriend again!" He smiles.

"I can't-"

Just wow^
Sorry it's so short I'm really tired right now
Published:August 23
Edited:August 28

Fake|joey birlem sequel to bipolarHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin