A Midsummer Night's Dream

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Frisk was deep in sleep, her mind recounting everything that went on throughout the day. The day had been quite calm, and provided an environment in which Frisk could revel in relaxation. She went over her school day, her press meeting with a local news station afterwards, her magic practice, and her time with her surrogate family at the end of the day. However, this wasn't enough to keep her entranced in this dream state.

Frisk got up from her bed and immediately rushed down to the kitchen to prepare some chamomile tea for herself. This was widely known as a sleep remedy, so she hoped it would give her the rest she deserved. She saw the stairs, and began to trudge down to her destination. Unbeknownst to her, Asriel was in the living room, reading a book to quell his restless mind.

As she walked into the kitchen, she noticed his presence, but decided not to disturb him. Frisk prepared a minor fire spell as she got the ingredient. There were dried chamomile flowers, sugar, a tea infuser, milk, and the water she was using the spell to heat. Eventually, these all made it into the teapot, releasing their tantalizing flavor into the water. Finally, she decided to go bother Asriel and see if he wanted any tea. After all, he might want to fall asleep as well.

Frisk walked herself over to the table and sat herself down on the sofa, two cups in hand. Asriel looked up as he heard the clank of the teapot on the table, and to his relief, he saw the one person he wanted to see at this hour.

"What are you doing awake, Frisk?" Asriel asked. He was worried that sleep deprivation may be worrisome for someone with such a busy schedule as her.

"No matter what I did, I couldn't seem to get myself to sleep. So, I decided to make chamomile tea as a remedy. I really should ask what has you up at this time, Asriel?" Frisk said. It was unnatural seeing him up so late, as he usually fell asleep before she did. He never was one for staying up too late, as past experiences with it hadn't bode well with him.

"Well, I was just reading this book, and I hadn't realized that it was so late, so I just kept reading. Eventually, I noticed, but at that point, I just said 'screw it' and continued." Asriel stated. The tea Frisk had made was looking quite alluring at this point, and he wondered if he could drink it with her.

"Looks like we're just a couple of kids with insomnia, huh?" Frisk said. "Anyway, do you want any of the tea? You've been staring at it like it was some ancient treasure!" She was happy to see him this excited over something she made.

"Tea sounds great right about now, thank you." Asriel sighed. He took a sip of the tea, deeply enjoying its flavor. It had a soothing effect to it, but he wasn't sure if it was from the tea, or from Frisk's presence. Either way, he was happy about the calm.

Frisk stared him down, grinning to herself as Asriel drank the tea. She finally took a sip of it, and relished in the quality of the chamomile flowers Asgore had bought for them. He was a tea connoisseur, and knew exactly what would please his child and his friend's palates.

"You know Frisk, your skill with the minor fire charm is getting better! I can taste it in the tea." Asriel declared. Frisk was overjoyed. Fire magic was not her specialty, water magic was, so she liked to hear that her magical ability was rising.

"Is that so? I know you are getting better at minor water spells as well. Yesterday, you actually didn't get the water all over your fur that time." Frisk said said with a grin.

"Hey, you were the one who made it get all over me! It was going fine until you decided to waltz on over to my spell and disrupt it!" Asriel complained. He was now leaning towards her on the sofa, his book on the armrest. He was still a little upset at having the spell fail, even if it wasn't his fault.

Frisk started to chuckle. Getting a rise out of him was extremely amusing to her, and seeing him all flustered was pretty cute in her book. She moved closer to his body, and started to snuggle on his shoulder. She could feel his impressive physique under all of his soft, warm fur.

"I'm sorry about that," Frisk said, "but it was a really good opportunity. I just had to!"

"It's fine, Frisk. I didn't have much hope in my abilities anyway, so I half expected that to happen." Asriel said. He turned his face to Frisk's, smiling at how adorable she looked in the wee hours of the night. Their teacups were nearly empty, so he went to pour some more into each cup.

"Well, whenever you can't believe in your own abilities, I'll believe in them for you okay?" Frisk told him. She approached his face and kissed him on the lips after that statement. The kiss lingered for a little more than a second, before dissipating

"Thanks, Frisk. I'll do the same with you." Asriel responded. He embraced Frisk and pulled them into a reclining position in each other's arms. Their breaths slowly synchronized as they fell asleep on the sofa, content with each other's company.

In the morning, Toriel walked into the living room to find Asriel and Frisk in the arms of each other. She smiled to herself, reminding herself of how sweet young love truly is.

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