Declan and Lauren.

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I walked over to the bunk beds and sat down. I grabbed my suitcase and backpack and started making myself at home. I took my clothes out of the suitcase and started moving them to the joint wardrobe. I saw that Declan's stuff was already in here. I think Declan has been here for a little while. He approached me and said "ill help you with that". I put my hand down on my bag and he did at the same time. I looked up and i noticed his eyes. They were gorgeous. I looked away quickly and took my hand from under his. "Uh yea. Sure." I say. "Sorry about the hand uh....". I started to unpack from my suitcase while Declan did my backpack. I had all my clothes, books, phone, headphones etc and Declan had all my facilities like shampoo, conditioner, body wash, make up, etc.
After we had everything sorted and unpacked, we walked to the dinner room. I changed out of my clothes and into a jumper, black leggings, black and red superstars and a beanie.

Declan stayed in his outfit and we walked over together. I wanted to get this guy more, so i asked about him. "So, how old are you?" He looked at me and said "was hoping you asked that. Im 17 years old. Ive been in this adoption center for a month and half. My mum and dad....they couldnt look after me anymore. I couldnt buy anything or rent a house for a bit. I was broke. I still" I look at him and say "im so sorry. Im 17 too. My mum and dad had uh been in an accident and uh nobody could look after me. My bags were outside the house. The house was locked and i didnt have any keys to get in so i walked 40 minutes here and well, here i am." He looked up at me and smiled.
After tea, we headee back to our room. It was my first night here and i was excited. We walked in the room and Declan said "you have the top bunk. And also this laptop here." He grabbed the laptop and gave me it. "I usually lay here for a bit and just scroll through the feeds. The password at the minute is Adopt123. I dont know why but you can change it." I climb up the stepladder to my bunk and lay in it on my laptop. I change the password and also the desktop background picture to a picture of me and a group of friends after plugging in my usb cable. I start to cry slightly. I didnt know i missed them so much until i saw the picture. I think Declan heard me sniffle because he said "are you okay up there?" I wipe my eyes and say "yea im fine." I put the laptop down and try and get to sleep. "Night Dec". "Night Lauren. Sleep tight."

Adopted by the Martinez Twins.Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt