Chapter One

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~~Goku's POV~~

I sighed softly as I stood in the bathroom running a comb through my spikey black hair. My ebony colored eyes had dark circles under them, indicating that I haven't gotten much sleep lately since I've been working really late every night. I sat the comb down and rubbed my eyes with the back of my hand, only to look up when I heard someone clear their throat. I saw my older brother Raditz standing in the doorway with a worried expression on his face. I sighed quietly and walked over to him.

"How is he, Rad?" I asked softly.

"He's still pretty bad Kaka... We need to try and pick up as many hours as we can in order to get that medication we need." He replied sadly.

Our father had gotten very sick a few months back and the doctor had told us that we'd need a really expensive medicine in order to help him get better. Ever since then we've been working nonstop. We're both exhausted and I barely have any time to spend with my four year old son.

"Rad...I'm literally at my limit. I'm trying to keep up but tips are just terrible and I keep worrying about Gohan... I rarely see him anymore. I hate leaving him here with dad. I feel horrible." I sighed and looked at the ground.

"Kaka...Gohan won't hate you. He knows you're trying to provide for him and help his grandpa get better. He loves you to death. Unlike that bastard who ditched you when he found out you were pregnant with Gohan." Raditz said while placing a hand on my shoulder. I was about to say something else when my little one suddenly ran into the bathroom and hugged my leg tightly.

"Mommy!" He exclaimed while smiling brightly. I couldn't help but laugh a bit as I lead down and picked him up, giving him a gentle hug.

"Hey baby. Are you doing alright?" I asked him and he just nodded a bit before examining my clothing.

"Do you have to go to work again mommy?" He asked with a hint of sadness in his voice.

"I'm afraid so honey... We aren't even half way on affording the medication for your grandpa... Mommy might have to start working a little more in order to pay for the medicine so grandpa can get better." I replied sadly. Gohan suddenly wrapped his tiny arms around my neck and nuzzled against my neck.

"It's okay mommy... I'm not upset. Just come lay down with me when you get home. Please." He purred and I nodded a little.

"Of course I'll come lay down with you when I get home. I promise." I said before setting him down on his feet. "Tell grandpa that we love him and that we'll be back tonight. Okay baby?"

"I will mommy!" Gohan smiled before he ran out of the bathroom, heading back to the room where my dad was resting. I laughed softly and turned my attention back to Raditz.

"That kid has so much energy and he's so understanding at such a young age." He smiled a bit and motioned for me to follow him down the stairs.

"He's a great kid, Raditz. I love him to death and I'm glad I have him, even if his father did abandon me like an asshole." I said as we got to the door and slipped our shoes on. We both walked outside and Raditz locked the door behind us, and then headed to the car.

"I'm real proud of you, little brother. You were pretty upset but you made it through the pregnancy and you're a great mom to him. I know he loves you a lot. I just hope that one day you can find a good mate who will love you and treat you right as well as be a father figure to Gohan." Raditz sighed as he drove down the road, heading to the Bar and Grill the two of us work at. Raditz is a bartender there while I'm just a simple waiter. We had to get jobs there as soon as we found out our father was sick. It's a pretty popular joint but a lot of snobby rich people go there and they don't like to tip third class Saiyans like ourselves. I bit my lip and curled my tail tightly around my waist. Our boss had said that there would be someone really special coming to visit the place soon but that was all he said. He also told us to be on our best behavior and to not embarrass him.

Ever since he told us that, I've been wondering who this special guest is and just how important he could be. From the way our boss talked, it was almost like this person would be royalty, but I highly doubted that. The king himself would probably never waste his time at a place like our bar. Rich people may go there, but I don't think its fancy enough for someone of royal status, but then again, I have no room to talk. Raditz and I are the only third class Saiyans who work at this place while everyone else is either first or second class.

Once Raditz parked the car, I started to get out but was stopped when Raditz grabbed my arm. I looked over at him and tilted my head curiously.

"What's wrong, bro?" I asked.

"Listen... I want you to be really careful tonight. Last night, I overheard some of the others talking about jumping you because you're really pissing them off..." He said cautiously.

"How the hell am I pissing them off? I'm the only one who does my job properly while they all sit around and either talk or get drinks from the bar." I said in shock.

"That's the thing... Apparently the boss is really starting to favor you over any of them and it's making them mad because you and I are nothing but third class scum to them. It really makes them mad seeing someone of our status getting good reviews from the boss...." Raditz explained and I just rolled my eyes.

"Well that's their problem. If they'd actually do their job then maybe the boss would give them good reviews too instead of writing them up all the time." I huffed and Raditz just shook his head and gave me a warning look.

"I promise I'll watch out for you as much as I can but I want you to be on guard. I don't want them to hurt you or anything so please just be careful when you go to the back room or something. I don't know where they're thinking about doing it, so you need to watch yourself." He said before pulling me into a tight hug. I wanted to say more to him but instead I just nodded and returned his hug. Once we pulled away from each other, we both got out of the car and made our way inside. I really hoped that he was wrong about some of the other guys jumping me. It was the last thing I needed right now since I'm already stressing out about my father and my son. I really hope this night goes smoothly. 

((Hey all! New fanfiction here! Sorry the first chapter is kinda sucky. I promise they'll get better. However, I can't promise that I'll update very much since I'll be starting school on the 23rd of this month. I will try to update as much as possible though, along with my other stories! I hope you guys liked this first chapter! Until Next Time! ~~Goku_Chan))

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