Chapter 1-Meeting the Others

Start from the beginning

" Ms. Astro, do you know what you are talking about? I mean, a creature and a fish, what is this nonsense?'' Ms. Astro looked at her and began her talk, "You see Mrs. Neptune, Pisces is very special, more so than you can imagine, not to mention the money as well." As soon as Ms. Astro said money, my mother fell silent, money was always her weak point.

"Any how Pisces, did you dream of any of that?" her expression was hard to read, I don't know if she was angry, happy, or just concentrating, I so wish that people wouldn't be able to read me as easily as they do.

I nodded my head to answer her question, though I was still a bit shocked and knew about my dreams.

Ms. Astro nodded again but then asked, "Mrs.Neptune may I speak with you in private?"

My mom nodded her head yes and went out of the living room and to the kitchen, two rooms right of where I am.



After what felt like an eternity before my mom returned with Ms. Astro, my mom had a grave look on her face and Ms. Astro pleasantly pleased.

"Pisces, would you please come here?" My mother asked, her voice was quiet and held a bit of a quiver to it. My mom usually is very strong.

" Pisces, please come here. " this time her voice is a bit more strict but holding the same quiver, I simply stood up and looked towards my mom and followed her to the kitchen.

As we entered the kitchen, I am instantly pulled into a bone crushing hug, " I love you so much Pisces, I'm going to miss you. I will see you again. My baby, " she wailed, her tears staining my blue shirt as I soothed her by rubbing circles on her back.

" Mom, take deep breaths, okay, " she shook her head and did as I said, "Now mom, tell me what got you so worked up. "

Slowly, my mom took in deep shaky breaths then spoke, " Pisces, I knew you were special the day of your birth, and I knew that you'd do great things. I know what your dream is, I know why you are special, and I also know . . . . That .  . . You have to leave and fulfill your destiny. " As soon as she spoke the last word I instantly pulled away, what is she talking about?

"Mom, do you have a fever," I asked and felt her head, she felt absolutely normal, "uh . . . Did you drink anything, what about smoking, honestly mom, you are talking nonsense."

" Pisces, you have to believe me, I'm not crazy. Honest I'm not, but what I'm about to tell you is crazy, will you listen? " I honestly didn't know what to do, she was talking crazy, but right now I'm clinging to the hope that she smoked something. I nodded my head slowly.

" A legend was told which you will learn about in your new school, " I wanted to interrupt her but she gave me pleading eyes not to ask, so I didn't. " Now, Pisces, you know why you were named Pisces, so you? " I shook my head, 'no'.

" That's because, you were special and chosen a long with eleven others. They also have the names of Zodiacs, like you. You are meant to fulfil a destiny and save us. " my already big blue eyes became even bigger(if possible) from what in was hearing.

" Do you remember that one time you broke your arm, and the doctor said it would take 6-8 months to heal, and you healed in 3 weeks? " I nodded, "That's because you have powers, oh so great unimaginable powers, that is one of the reasons why you must go. "

"Will you go, for me, everything will be explained to you by Ms. Astro." my mother's face held lines of worry and urgency , I knew she cared but why would she send me somewhere?

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