"Are my cousins coming too?" I hope so they were so much fun.

She smiles and stands. You couldn't tell she was pregnant, yet. Her long 5'8 frame look tried, her usually soft brown skin look rough and cracked. I'd give her a long bath and rub her down. "They should be here by breakfast so we might need another leg. Now I'll take your advice and go back upstairs." I kiss her check and walk to the stove.

After putting on another pot and letting my biscuits rise, and putting on my grits. My brother appears, in his hunting gear. The black leather contrast prefectly over his light brown skin and green eyes. "Good morning, little sis. How's breakfast coming? Father should be up soon."

"I'm almost done, I want the meat to be tender and soft, so mother can chew easily."

He nods. "I'll go see if I can find a few fish, make a tasty broth mother can sip on today and Bubbles can have the rest." I smile and place the biscuits in the oven.

"Can you tell Damon hey if you see him." I whisper softly knowing my father would try to kill him if he knew I had a crush on the tall white foreign boy from down the river.

He laughs. "Sure thing. But you know I'd leave him be until he meets father. He should be a man about it and stop playing these games." It takes my brother to be a hard ass. He ask Katy's father to date her a while back. And I even caught them two in the act of godly people. Only they weren't married, I had to swear I wouldn't tell.

I roll my eye and finish cooking. Bubbles walk between my legs rubbing her fur on my legs. "Silly cat, what would you like." I say and move to the small pile of leftovers. I had a small cherry I was saving for myself and bite it and gave Bubbles the other half.

She was always looking for a treat.

Anna, Vivian, and Grace came dancing in the kitchen. Twirling and turning until each had given me a hug. "Good morning girls, do you mind setting the tables. Aunt Roxie and her kids are coming over." I pause for the loud screams. "Shh, father is still asleep. And you know how he gets when he awake to loud noise."

They turn and walk to our large dining room. I bring them the plates and silver wear. Setting fathers as a display and let them work, giggling all the while. I stir my grits adding a small amount of cheese. As someone knocks on the door as I pull the biscuit from the oven.

I walk to the door, being attack by hugs. First my aunt and her husband, then my cousin Rosalie, Tessa, Krista, Luke, and Cody. "Hey everyone. Please come sit breakfast is almost ready." I led them to our oversize living room. I turn and walking into my dominating father, I shuffle back. "Good morning, father." I smile and walk around him to the kitchen.

I love my father but he is a scary man. He never smile till absolutely needed. He always had this unmoving frown.  But his eye were always smiling. I guess fear is the best way to control your kids.

I bring the serving plates to the table as Anna told everyone to come eat. My father bless the food. We ate with small chit chat flowing softly. All the girl help put up the plates as the adults headed upstairs, and the boys went to cut down extra wood until my father was ready to hunt.

We clean and boiled water for mother to soak in a warm bath. I hate my father wouldn't pay for hot water. He said "that's to much of a luxury for us. We would lose our mind and abuse it." I tend to take more cold baths then warm. My mother got in the warm water letting out a breath. "Yes, this is what I needed. Thank you Emily, always so thoughtful!"

"Your welcome but I can't take all the credit, the girls help with the water. You know I don't have the time."

"So much like your father." She giggles and lays back.

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⏰ Dernière mise à jour : May 27, 2015 ⏰

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