twenty six

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junhui gets teleported to soonyoung, and the younger man is a mess.
soonyoung has dried tears running down his face, his eyes are red and puffy. his hair is a mop and he doesn't look like the leader he had grown to adore in the real world.

they're currently in what seems to be a closed off room.

"Soonyoung? What happened to you?"

soonyoung looks at junhui, a sad smile on his face.

"My Jihoonie is dead.."

"And this stupid game
brought me in, even
though I had a
game over from the start."

"I saw him die."

minghao, meanwhile, just faces soonyoung. soonyoung kinda can't read his facial expression because its non existent.

"Jihoon is dead?"

"Oh my god.."

junhui feels his heart hurt. jihoon may have been a short hurricane of anger and grouchiness but they had worked together before and he was a passionate musician.

"I'm so sorry.."

soonyoung keeps a smile on his face. his voice and sanity slowly cracking from the inside out, falling apart until it was a million pieces on the floor.

junhui felt his heart crying out for jihoon and soonyoung.

minghao couldn't feel anything.

junhui's eyes suddenly turn pitch black.
he was a bit confused but he could see as if he were playing a video game.

on the top left corner of his vision, he could see bright bold letters.

D       e      m      o     n

al1 [svt] **ORIGINAL**Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora