Scott gave in and gave her back her phone. "You're like a classic freudian test case, you know that? Preachers daughter, in love with the boy who texts bible quotes." He mocked.

Kate glared as she fired back. "You write stupid Elvish poems." 

"And you're basically dating dad." Scott told her. Audrey frowned as Kate shoved Scott slightly. "Gross!" She exclaimed. Audrey shook her head. "Maybe a bit to far then, Scott."

"Remind me again why mum and dad walked half way across China to adopt you?" Kate shot back with a glare. "Stop it you two, you're behaving like children." Audrey told them with a slight glare on her face. Audrey was only twenty-one and she didn't count herself as an actual adult yet but she constantly felt like she had to scold her siblings whenever they bickered.

"What's going on back there?" Their father called back. 

"Uh...Bible study, dad." Scott quickly lied. The Fuller's family were very religious which sometimes made Audrey feel a little out of place due to the fact that in comparison to her family, she didn't believe in God and she didn't go to Church. She was never disrespectful of their beliefs but sometimes her father would constantly try and convert her into believing in a higher power and that got rather annoying after a while.

Kate leaned forwards as she stared at both of her siblings. "So has he told you where were going yet?" She whispered. Audrey shook her head. "I only know that it's somewhere in Mexico."

Scott shook his head and muttered out a disappointed "Nope."  Kate sighed as she set her eyes on her two siblings. "Don't you wanna know?" 

Scott shook his head. "Not really." He answered as he leaned back a little. It look Audrey a moment to reply before she finally answered. "I'm not really bothered anymore. I was looking for apartments out of town anyway so maybe I should count the fact that we have in fact, left town a blessing."

Kate stared at her before she shook her head sadly. "This whole trip is totally schitzo" 

"Yeah, because you've been so normal since mum died right?" Scott defended their father.  Scott sighed. "It's been just six months, you get weird when someone dies." He told her. Audrey nodded her head in agreement.

"Weird like cutting your hair off, or getting drunk and stuff...not buying a junkie RV, kidnapping your kids and running to Mexico." Kate pleaded desperately as she tried to make a point.

Scott shook his head. "Were not running, and he didn't kidnap us. He just...needs a break." 

Audrey nodded in agreement with her brother. "Scott has a point. I know you want to go home Kate and see Kyle and your friends and go to prom but we're going to have to accept that isn't something that is going to happen, at least for right now." At her words Kate leaned back, feeling a little saddened by her response. 

A few moments later and the RV came to a stop which made Audrey frown as she sat up properly. The three fuller children rushed to look outside of the window, both Kate and Scott pushing the curtains aside as Audrey sat in the middle. "Woah! So cool!" Scott exclaimed. Outside there was a liquor store on fire. Audrey shoved her brother a little. "Scott! People could have been injured there, nothing about this is 'so cool'" She scolded. Scott never answered her as he was too entranced with what was happening outside.

"I think I hear a fire truck!" Kate exclaimed as she stared out of the window. 

"Well, we best get out of their way" Their father responded as he started up the engine again and began to drive. After that the three kids in the RV went back to doing their own thing. Scott went back to reading his magazines again and Kate was speaking on the phone, presumably to Kyle. Audrey played around on her phone for a while as she had her earphones plugged in. She had a colouring app on her phone which was good for passing the time but after a while she got bored of that as well. She sighed and put her phone down and took out her earphones as she yawned tiredly. She was pretty tired of seeing nothing but plain desert's out of the window as they drove and she wished they could stop somewhere for food since she was starving and Scott had eaten practically everything in the RV.

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