Paranormalcy by Kiersten White

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Book Summary:

Evie’s always thought of herself as a normal teenager, even though she works for the International Paranormal Containment Agency, her ex-boyfriend is a faerie, she’s falling for a shape-shifter, and she’s the only person who can see through paranormals’ glamours.

But Evie’s about to realize that she may very well be at the center of a dark faerie prophecy promising destruction to all paranormal creatures.

So much for normal.

Book format:

Both hard back book and audio book on Playster

Book genre:

Young Adult

My thoughts:

I first started reading this my senior year of high school, but did not get to finish it before I had to return the book to the library. I tried to find it years later, but I completely forgot the title and author's name, so I was left to describing it on forums hoping someone knew the book I was talking about. No one did, of course. Though, after years I finally found it. I had finally gotten a Playster subscription, and when I opened the app it was the very first audio book I saw. I was so excited to finish reading this book. I thought I remembered being 85% done with the book and it pretty much being the best book I ever read. Unfortunately, neither of those were the case.
Once I started listening I found that I had made it to about chapter 8, and that it was not nearly as good as I once thought it was. In all truthfulness a small part of me wishes I had never found the book. Then it could have stayed an unfinished masterpiece in my mind. As I listened I found myself very bored and having to give myself pep talks to actually finish the book. The plot was good, not something I run across very often in my reading, but the main character took away from it. I was a teenager once, I was even surrounded by teenage girls on several occasions. Yes, they are cringe worthy specimens, but in this book the author takes "teen girl" to a level that honestly made me not want to finish this book.
As Evie you are part of what keeps the world moving via a top secret organization and have a special "ability" that no one else has, but the thought that you're one of the things you look down on never crosses your mind? That would probably the first thing on mine, especially as a teen when most are just trying to find where they fit in and how they fit in. Finding all of this out, with rising body counts, and falling in love all while fleeing from the secret organization that raised you and has lied to you your entire life and a rape fairy(I kid you not) is enough to make anyone's head spin. Hell, mine is spinning just from typing that sentence, but there were many moments where I found myself wanting to scream at her for doing the exact opposite of what she obviously should have done. By the end of it I was glad the book was over and completely unsatisfied.

Would I suggest this book to someone to read? Yeah, but only to the stereotypical teen girl. That being said, my home library would not be complete without this book and the other two books in this series.

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