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Name: Dominic toretto
Age: making him about twenty five years old.
Siblings: Mia toretto but now it O'Connor and brother in law Brian O'Connor.
Father: don't really know his name I don't think they said it in the movie.
Mother: never mentioned in the movie.
Friends: Jesse, Brian, Vince, Han, Roman, tej, letty,
Wife: Emily Hobbs but now toretto
Father in law: Luke Hobbs
Children: has two of them from Emily but doesn't know about them till later.
Nephew: jack O'Conner

Bio: hello my name is Dominic toretto but you can call me Dom I'm twenty five years old I have a sister named Mia and a brother in law named Brian O'Conner and a nephew called jack. I have a wife she's the love of my life she will always be the love of my life her name is Emily toretto but she doesn't remember anything from the past because of past stuff I rather not talk about even if she doesn't remember I still love her with my whole heart I'd die for her she is the light to my darkness she has my heart she is my weakness but she is also my strength she's the only reason why I get up in the morning anymore I love to wake up to her smile everyday our relationship is slowly RePiecing itself I will wait till she comes back to me to have that light when she sees me in the room and the love she used to show me I will wait and help her get her memories back no matter what because she is the love of my life and I will do anything for her she is my ride or die and she always will I will love her to the moon and back because we are meant to be.

Our love Dominic toretto love story sequel to my racer lover Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ