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Okay. Selina's my first OC because she is the one I use for literally everything where I use one girl OC. And Corbin is literally Selina in boy form, for when I need to use a sweet boy OC

Name: Selina Whitney/ Corbin Celts

Age: 16/16

Looks: dirty blond hair, blue eyes, super pale skin, very small for her age/ golden blond hair, blue eyes, broad shoulders and frame

Skills: Archery. She is very VERY good at archery./ he can throw daggers, and they can both cook

Flaws: She and he are both very timid and shy and cowers away from everything that could even have the slightest possible chance of being a tiny threat.

Personality: They're both very kind once she actually opens up, but until then she's very timid around new people. Almost like a lost kitten.

Likes: reading, libraries, baking, cooking, drawing, and Selina love to be on the archery range, and Corbin loves to watch her there.

Dislikes: yelling, fighting, loud noises, large crowds

Family: Sapphire (younger sister), Sarah (older sister)/ Caleb (younger brother), Crispin (older brother)

Selina has another form, because I have a badàss loner version of her too.

Name: Selina Whitney

Age: 19

Looks: same as above

Skills: archery, and any sort of sword she can get her hands on

Flaws: her temper, basically

Personality: Really sweet. Till ya pîss her off. Don't pîss her off.

Likes: sword fights.

Dislikes: human contact.

Family: This version, she's an only child, and her parents died when she was twelve.

Soooo... basically the exact opposite of timid Selina. I created her when I needed a badàss female pirate character and I REALLY wanted to use Selina. XD

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