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She pressed the doorbell and we waited for a few minutes. I didn't know her parents were this rich. They lived in a mansion. The door opened and a maid was standing there. Her eyes widened when she saw Cyndi.

Cyndi: "H-Hey."

Maid: "Miss Cyndi! It's you!"

She said excited.

Cyndi: "Please, just call me Cyndi."

She smiled and let us in.

Maid: "Your parents will be here in a few minutes."

After two minutes we heard someone running down the stairs. We turned around and saw her parents. Their eyes were teary when they saw Cyndi. I looked over and saw her eyes got teary too.

Cyndi: "H-Hey mom, dad."

She said trying not to cry. Her mom looked at her for a while, then she ran and hugged her daughter tight. Cyndi hugged her mom back and soon her father joined. I was standing there with tears in my eyes. It was a wonderful moment. After a while they broke the hug.

Mom: "Where were you? How are you? Do you need something?"

Her mom asked while she cupped the face of their daughter. Cyndi smiled as a tear roll down her cheeks.

Cyndi: "I'm okay mom. I just missed you guys."

Dad: "We missed you too."

The hugged each other again. I thought that they might need some time so I went out to get some fresh air. I think Cyndi's parents didn't even notice me standing there. I smiled as I thought about their happy faces when they saw each other. I was walking down the street while I was lost in my thoughts. Then I noticed that I hadn't talked to Yoongi since we were here so I decided to call him. I pulled out my phone and searched for his number. When I was about to call him I suddenly felt someone pull me. My phone fell out of my hands. I tried to scream but someone put a cloth on my mouth and I started to feel dizzy. The last thing I remember before I blacked out was that I was in a van.

Cyndi pov.

Cyndi: "Mom, dad, I want you to meet my best friend Yuna."

Mom: "Sure sweetie, where is she?"

Cyndi: "She is right her-"

I stopped when I noticed that she wasn't here anymore.

Cyndi: "She was with me. Wait I'll call her."

I said while I dialled her number. She didn't pick up. That is strange.

Cyndi: "Huh, that is strange. She isn't picking up."

I awkwardly smiled to hide my worries.

Mom: "Is everything okay honey?"

Cyndi: "N-No she is gone and I don't know where she is."

Dad: "Maybe she just went out? Why don't we go look for her?"

I nodded and we all went out and started to look for Yuna.

We were walking down the street and looking for her. By all the time that went by I started to get more worried. What happened? Yuna where are you? I tried to call her once again. But this time I could hear a phone ringing from somewhere. I walked to further and saw a handy on the street. I quickly picked it up and saw the ID caller. My eyes winded as I saw my name written on it. This is Yuna's phone! But where is she?! I looked around if I could see her but she was nowhere to be seen. I started to panic.

Cyndi: "MOM! DAD!"

I screamed as I held her phone tight and my eyes got teary.

Mom: "Yes? Did you found her?"

My mom asked me when they came. I turned around to face them and a tear escaped my eyes. My mom just hugged me and I started to cry in her arms. What happened Yuna?

Yoongi pov.

The whole day was so boring. Jungkook kept on disturbing me and the others were doing their usual stuff. I had also work to do but I could only think of Yuna. Why didn't she call me? Is everything ok? Probably yes, I mean Jungkook also didn't receive a call from Cyndi, right? Should I call her? No, she is probably busy. But I miss her. Just call her!!! I picked up my phone and searched for her number. I called her and waited for her to pick up but unfortunately she didn't pick up. I threw my phone on the bed and laid down. I miss you.

??? pov.

I was in my room playing with a knife while thinking about her. Her beautiful smile. Her wonderful hair. Her perfect personality. My thoughts were interrupted by a knock on the door. The door opened and one of my man came in.

Man: "They are here."

He said. I turned my head to the side, not looking at him, and nodded. After he left I turned my head back where it was. Finally, I found you!

Yuna pov.

I woke up in a dark room. Not again! I thought. I looked around and noticed a figure standing in front of me.

???: "Did you miss me?"

I heard him say. That voice sounded familiar. Who is that?

Yuna: "Who are you?"

I asked. He let out a sigh.

???: "You really don't remember me?"

Who is that? I thought a for a while. Then I finally recognised him. He came out of the dark and I saw him clearly. It's him!



Oh wait, I already know who it is...Haha! XD

But do you? What do you think? Who is it?

Lonely shadow Part 2 (BTS Suga ff)Where stories live. Discover now