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~it's been a week, brian went back on tour~
kyla and brian just celebrated their 2 year anniversary, but here's the thing
kyla forgot, oops

brian and kyla didn't argue over it though, even though brian was upset he understood
kyla felt so bad that she had to think of something amazing to blow his mind

kyla finally thought about what she was going to do and now she had to get started, she picked up her notebook and thought of love lyrics

lover boy - jaepuum ( i don't know the lyrics tbh )

once kyla finished the the song she recorded it and got the track finished she texted brian and awaited his response , as she received a text from brian she got her computer to facetime him
once brian texted her back he asked her

broke nigga 😩💕 : what's wrong Ky

XYZ 🤤 : i want to show you something special

broke nigga 😩💕 : ok babe give me a second and i call you

kylas' computer started to ring and she immediately answered smiling at her precious boyfriend
"hey babe, what did you need to show me" brian said as is face was all in the camera
"i made something special for you babe" kyla said pulling the song on her phone
"if this is like the last time im going to hang up" brian says as he nervously smiles
"i promise it's actually good this time don't worry" kyla giggled as the song started to play

that lover boy he's my babyboy
that rapper fanny pak thrasher wearing lover boy
that's my babyboy babyboy you're the one that i love

"babe this is so cute, is it for me?" brian said blushing
"yeah baby i made it just for you, i know it wasn't expensive but i wanted to make sure it expressed how much i love and care for you" kyla said smiling hard
"babe i loved it so much! baby you're so perfect what did i do to deserve you" brian said
"i think i should be asking you the same question" kyla blushed

kyla and brian stayed up talking to eachother all night catching up on things, making jokes, and corny pick up lines

~the next day niggerlots~

kyla woke up to brian peacefully baby snoring on the computer, kyla being kyla she took a couple screenshots before she tried to wake up her baby
"baaaaaaaabbbeeee, waaakeeeee upppp" kyla whined
brian still didn't wake up so kyla being a little nigger she plugged her phone up to her speakers and 'deadz' by migos started blasting, which resulted in brian jumping awake

"babe why you do this so early in the morning" brian whined rubbing his eyes
"babe you have to get ready for sound check and it's almost 1 now get up and ill talk to you later daddy" kyla said blowing a kiss
"ok baby ill talk to you later love you" brian said catching the heart and putting in on his heart

~ call ends ~

kyla didn't have much to do today so she thought that she would DRIVE over to nickies' house and hang

~kyla been got to nickie hOuSe~

when kyla pulled up she noticed that there was only one car parked which was odd because there should be at least three
kyla knocked and waited for the door to open, once it was opened silver answered it
"silver where is everyone" kyla asked walking in the door
"its just me nickie and lex, mario and gio gone i don't know where they prolly fucking or playing roblox or both" silver said closing the door
"but you play roblox too" kyla said laughing
"hmmm i know kyla but still i don't kn-" silver got cut off by lex attacking kyla to the ground
"kYLA OMG IHAVENT SEEN YOU IN FORVER HOW ARE YOU" lex said sitting on top of kyla
clearly, she's drunk or high
"first get up, second you saw me yesterday" kyla said as lex got off her and sat up
"but i still missed you, oh i missed you so much" lex said hugging kylas' neck and half way breathing in her face
yep, she's drunk .
"why did y'all get her drunk" kyla said trying to get out of lexs' grip
"ask mario she was like this already, then mario left, i think he beat down her ethnic walls and then dropped her off here" silver said looking at the tv screen
"this is going to be a long day" nickie finally said, getting nods of agreement from silvEr and kylO


#Bryla or choke Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora