Review: Minerva Kishi

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This OC was submitted to me by Tsukinawa_Yukio. Thank you for letting me review your OC. It was a pleasure to read over her info and I hope I can give you some helpful feedback on her. ^_^

My comments will be the ones made in bold. I will use my knowledge up until the most recent chapter of the manga to point things out factually, by any and all feedback regarding the character is entirely subjective. Thank you for reading!


Name: Minerva Kishi

Name Meaning: Minerva was named after the goddess of wisdom and Kishi means Knight

I like the name, since Greek and Roman Mythologies are one of my favorite things to read up on. It does seem pretty different to other names from the series (as they are basically all Japanese), but I know there are a few examples of foreign names, like the American transfer student Pony from Hero Class B. Just since almost everyone in the series thus far has had a Japanese name (even Yuuga Aoyama, who claims he's from France, has a Japanese name), I'd like to know the reason that Minerva has a given name from Roman mythology rather than a Japanese one.

Alias/Nicknames: Mine-chan, Kishi-chan, Minerva, No Fun Minerva

I enjoy the aliases that really give you insights into how others could view the character, and I think this fits. I like it!

Age: 16

Birthday: June 25

Sex: Female

Height: 165 cm

Weight: 51 kg

Good height and weight for the character and the background you've given her!

Physical description: She has long blonde hair that goes to her elbows but she usually ties it into a bun, green eyes, slightly tanned skin and a mole on her cheek.

Nationality: Japanese

I can't really nag on anyone for a non-traditional Japanese appearance in this series, so I don't see much issue with the appearance.

School: U.A. High

Year: 1

I know I messaged you a bit in regards to this, so I won't get to into it. But I do like the potential for putting her in the support class, or possibly the Hero B course!

Hero/Villain: Hero

What made them choose to be a hero/villain: At first, Minerva just wants to become one but now, she wants to become a hero just to prove to everyone who belittled and bullied her that she can become one.

That's a fair enough reason to get into the program. Perhaps finding a reason to continue being a hero after she's able to prove this to the people who bullied her could be a way to develop her character in RPs or in your story.

Hero Name: Brave Hero, Athena

Why did she choose the name: Because someday, Minerva wants to be strong just like the goddess of wisdom and war.

I like the name, though I really want to get a bit deeper into this. Of all the goddesses of wisdom and/or war, what about Athena grabbed Minerva's attention?

Costume: She has a lot of costumes due to her requesting of adapting around the environment but her main costume is a white armoured dress, with chest plate, metal gloves and boots like a knight. She also has a metallic bracelet that lets her change to any costumes designed for her. She also has two swords in its sheaths strapped on her back.

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