The Beginning

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'Jeez, my phone is really blowing up today isn't it?'

All I wanted to do was enjoy a nice lunch with my best friend Leslie. And what do I receive? Spam. Loads of it as well, maybe about 30 messages a second. By this point, I was done. I've done with this spam for 20 minutes too long.

"Dude, I know how this was suppose to be my 'getaway' from the internet, but I'm going to have to check this out real quick. This is absurd!" you exclaimed.

"(Y/n)...." Leslie began, annoyance clear in her voice.

"Please. Just this once..." I started, not even putting much effort into finishing my sentence since I was already on the highway to opening Twitter.

All Leslie did was sigh. You understood that she only meant good, but you just had to check what was going on. Surely, something big had just happened that was making your audience freak out. This isn't a regular thing to happen to you.

As soon as you opened Twitter, you read the messages and were a bit confused at first.

"Hey Leslie," you began, looking up at her only to see her annoyed expression.

"What" she stated very blatantly.

"I know you're not that much into social media that much, but would you happen to understand why there is a whole bunch of 'L's on my most recent tweet. Is it a new trend or something?"

Leslie's face instantly dropped. The once annoyed look was now replaced with a look of shock.


"What? What's up? You know what's happening?" You asked.

"DUDE. Did you happen to talk shit on anyone recently? More specifically on Ricegum?" She seemed very concerned for some reason.

"Actually yes! Just last week -- I think Monday-- I talked about some Youtubers that  I don't have major respect for. I guess Ricegum happened to be mentioned... besides that, the video did really well!" You proudly announced, though your friend didn't seem very phased at this at all. Instead, she looked more concerned that excited.

"(Y/n), do you know what you just got you're self into?" Leslie said, her voice very low and unsettling.

"No not really... you're starting to really scare me now, what's up?" For being in a diner, a public space that was constantly busy, the mini restaurant got strangely quiet and was unusually empty.

"(Y/n) I think you just roasted"

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