Chapter 2; Steamy....I think

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I whipped around and my ponytail slapped against Liam's chest. I was staring right at his abs, him still holding onto my waist.

I tried to push them off but he was too strong.

He backed me up until i hit the counter with my back. I groaned.

He grabbed onto my butt and hoisted me up onto the counter. I squealed which made him chuckle.

He looked deep into my eyes and it felt like he was staring into my soul. Just as I thought he was going to kiss me, he lifted me up over his shoulder and i started screaming at him, "LIAM,LIAM 

put me down!"

He chuckled and i giggled. His deep chuckle turned me on. Calm down Christina, fucking hormones.

He threw me onto my bed and shut our door. It was getting really hot in the room.

Just as I thought he was going to lay next to me, he said "Bed time, Good night Darling." he said and plopped down onto his bed and rolled over facing away from me.

The next thing I knew, he started snoring.

I was so confused about what had just happened. I felt butterflies but then, my eyelids were getting heavy and i was finally asleep. Am I going to dream about Liam?


When I woke up, I heard the shower running.

Liam... I thought about the image of Liam in the shower with the steam floating around in the atmosphere.

The bathroom door opened and shook me out of my thoughts. He came out andI was staring at him...

"Checking me out again,Huh?" He said with and evil smirk. I blushed and stuffed my face into my pillow.

He only had his boxers on. I wanted to look at him more.

He started jumping on his bed, I heard the noise of the squeaky bed and looked up.

He had already changed into some casual boy wear, if you will. I looked at him with furrowed eyebrows and said,

"What the fuck are you doing to that poor bed?" I said trying to sound confident and intimidating as a could.

"Im jumping thank you very much."

He said with a mix between a sarcastic and sassy tone.

"Why?" I said curiously.

"Because its fun!" He said with a toddlers voice

"what're you five?" I said, the corners of my lips turning upwards into a smirk.

"Im twelve. Thank you very much!"

I giggled as he got off the bed and started doing something on his phone lying down next to his bed.

I got out my phone and looked at all my notifications. I had a text from Tinsely.

It read "Hey C, You wanna meet up at Starbucks today and then go to Barnes and Noble?"

I quickly replied back with "Sure, Lets meet up at Starbucks next to my apartment at 2:00"

She replied quickly...a little too quick. "Okay see you then!"


"Yes darling?" He said smirking at me.

I gave him a quizzed look and shook it off and said, "Im meeting up with your sister at 2:00, Are you doing anything today?"

"Can I drive you?!" He said immediately and eagerly to hear my response.

"uh... okay sure but were going in my car." I said.

"Okay thats fine. Why don't you start getting ready."

He said looking back at his phone.

"Okay, Im gonna get into the shower." I said getting up.

"Can i join you" he said smirking at me and looking at my butt.

"WTF LIAM! You're disgusting!!" I said running to the bathroom.

"Worth a shot" He shouted from the living room.


After getting dressed and putting my makeup on I started fixing my hair.

All I did was put it into a top knot on the top if my head and pulled out some strands of hair to make it look a little less formal.

Liam walked in with a little frown barely enough that you could see and then smirked.

"You don't need makeup, Darling. You're sexy enough, I don't want the guys all over you."

I blushed and looked down wondering why he would even care about such a thing.

" Why would you even care about such a thing? Its not like you're my boyfriend." I said walking out of our room.

"I wouldn't mind if i was." He said and i could feel him smirking behind me.

I felt his eyes staring at my butt and through my soul again. I hated how he had that effect on me. But i also Loved it at the same time.

I rolled my eyes and tossed him the keys ready to go. "Lets go its almost two" i said rushing out the door making sure i had all of my things.

"Okay Darling But first..." he said walking over to me.

He stroked my cheek and stuck a lock of hair behind my ear and winked at me, before he walked away, leaving me with butterflies.

I felt like i had just been struck by lighting i was speechless. "Lets go I don't want to be late" He said as i could feel his grin forming on his face.


Sorry such a short chapter again! I promise i will make longer ones. And this next one you guys are in for a really treat :P


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