Mysterious Girl

Beginne am Anfang

The door opened and a sudden gush of wind came in pushing me backwards.

'Meow' Amintah walked in between my legs. But then stopped and hissed loudly.

Uh oh. I know better enough that to stand next to her when she feels threatened. i jumped back just in time to see her grow at least four feet and turn into a furious leopard, snarling while extending her poisoness claws.

"Shh it alright" A figure laughed and walked over. i couldn't see them very well becuase the light didn't reach the door. But when they stepped into seeing distance, i had to take a double look. There in my cabin was a girl dressed in a toga with golden bracelets on her arm, ankles, and head. With several jewels on her toga. And if i right she was wearing greek sandals that soldiers used to use when in battle.

Her hair was raven black, much like my own. But her eyes. They were an electric blue, so incredible he had only seen once. It wouldn't surprise me if she was a goddess. But the thing was that she didn't have the aura of one. Usually when there is a godly being close you feel tingles in the air. I was stupid enough not to notice it when Beth was here. I had just figured that it was Mr. D. But this girl is totally goddess worthy.

"Hey" She smiled gingerly, kneeling down to pet a now normal sized Amintah.

"I-You-Wha-H-Hey" I stuttered. So much for all cool calm and collected.

The girl giggled and stood up straight. " Perseus right?" she asked.

"Percy" I grumbled. I hated being called Perseus. I felt like I might dishonner the original Perseus by calling myself that.

"Oh yeah, right...sorry I forget sometimes" she laughed.

"yeah.....How did you know?" i asked confused.

"i know many things" she shrugged.

"So... What are you doing here? Are you a new camper?" I asked. It wouldnt be strange to have a new camper in the middle of the night. They just can't afford a few more hours until morning to get to camp or else their chances of getting eaten by a monster grows ever minute.

"No" She laughed, "I'm looking for my mom"

"Your mom?" I inquired.

"Yeah, Ezabeth of Olympus" She explained, smiling.


"What you mean Beth?" I exclaimed.

"Yeah" She admitted. But i saw something cross her eyes that i couldn't understand.

"She's not here" I told her solemnly. It took some time to process what she had said earlier. Mom. Wait, Beth said she was pregnant of her first born a few weeks ago. How can the girl here be Beth's baby? It's impossible. The girl looked like she was around sixteen or seventeen years old.

"I know that too" She smiled at me. I felt like melting inside, in a good way. But there was a part of me that feared her and wanted to run away as if Amintah were chopping on my heels. A very small part though.

"Okay... So I have to questions. First if you knew that already, why even bother to show up here? And second, how can you be Beth's baby if she was just pregnant a few weeks ago?" I asked confused.

"Because I can get to her by you and second of all, I'm not her biological daughter. And thank you for telling me that she was pregnant. That, I did not know" she smiled sweetly.

Lesson 299 of surviving in this crazy world of us is that when ever someone someone -especially of that someone is immortal- say's that they are going to use you to get to someone else, run out of there and hid. OR you can always stay and take the risk about being used as a pawn.

I chose the easy one out. Running. But how? She was blocking my only way out of the cabin.

"I wouldn't do that if I were you" the girl said coming forward.

"Do what?" I retorted.

"Run" she shrugged. Dang it! Now that only leaves choice C. And I REALLY don't feel like being someone's personal bait to rail someone in. You get it? Rail someone in? Because Beth and I are children of Poseidon? Never mind, I think I just killed it anyway.

"Why would I run?" I questioned, trying to buy sometime.

"No reason" she smiled sweetly stepping forward, which made me take a step back even more. That was until I was back up against the wall that is. Lesson number 3 never be backed against something that is not your ally or else it will end badly. And unless the wall can do some serious butt kicking I don't think I'll be getting much out of it.

And the worst part is that with every step she took closer the more I felt woozy like I needed a good night sleep. Maybe I did, but not right now.

"Don't worry this won't hurt a bit" She explained just before darkness took me over.


"Hey seaweed brain hurry up!"' I yelled while banging on Percy's cabin door.

Stupid seaweed brain probably slept in. "Percy!" I yelled once again,"If your not out but e count of three I'm going to go in there and personally see to it that Clarisse get's what she wants" i threatned.

I waited five more seconds until I started counting. "One...Two...Three...four...five" Puzzled I knocked on the door again. "Percy?"

That's strange, he usaly gets out rut on 'three' maybe even 'four' but he's never completely ignored me. Something's not right.

"Percy?" I asked twisting the door knob. Only to find that it was unlocked. Which is normal here in camp except for Percy who has gotten a bit paranoid about people barging into his room at night. And I should take the blame for that I guess.

I never thought I'd seen the day -or night more like it- that I would see Percy singing along to the lyrics of 'Im bringing sexy back' in underwear. But or his sake I wont speak of the blue boxer briefs with Nemo's and the little sea turtles on them ... Oops!n

"Percy?" I whispered. Alright if this was some sick joke of his I swear on the river Styx that I will make that boy suffer, even if it was the last thing I did.


So tense from looking from corner to corner of the cabin, the whine from Amintah made me jump out of my socks.

"Oh! Hey there girl" I reached down to pet her as I let go of the breath I didn't know I was holding in.

Walking over to Percy's bed I saw that it was undone and that his pillow was on the floor for some reason.

Amintah probably jumped on it and caused it to fall. I thought.

"Annabeth!" I heard my name being called from outside. So I put the pillow back on the bed and made my way out door. But something caused me to stop and freeze.

Something had fallen on the floor a few feet from the unoccupied bunk where Bella used to sleep. A necklace. And not just any necklace. A camper necklace who's owner was not here. Percy.

Gasping I picked it up and rushed outside with tars threatening to fall as I made my way to the Big House. Hoping that I would make it in time so we could go save Percy. But deep down a voice was nagging and teasing me that i might be already to late.

Ugh, finals are coming up :p so much pressure! Anyway I hope you liked this chapter (and sequel so far). If you have any questions just comment and ask away, I'll be happy to help.

Anyway please


-Lily : D

P.s. if you have not noticed I love ending my A/N's with ' :D smily faces ( : ' [just a fun fact]

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