~How it happened~

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I want you to picture this.
The sound of city traffic fills your ears from all around. In front of you an Asian women,haired tied back, black glasses barely on her nose, waiting with her stroller which contains two small baby's, for the crossing light to turn green. Yes there are others all around you, waiting for the same thing.
But our focus is on her. 
The wind pics up. As the light turns green the crowd starts to push forward. The woman in front of you drops a drinking bottle in the middle of the road.
She rushed to go get the bottle, leaving the two of her children completely in the middle of the road.
As the light turns green a car speeds from around the corner, heading straight for the children.
You drop all your bags, blood rushing to your ears, blocking the shout and curse coming from the driver as he smashed the break much to late. Or the sound of the mothers screams and she too rushed to the children side. Or the sound of you getting hit by the car on the side while shoving the children in the opposite dirrection, saving their lives.
Heck, I don't even think I screamed.
Something to keep in mind. I was on my way home from work. Which means my girlfriend will be waiting for a phone call of me in the hospital rather than waiting for me to bring back Taco Bell.

As you grow up you here tones of guesses and story's of how death feels or what it looks like.
Answer: Nothing exciting.
White room, white floor, black screen. You feel rather normal, well except my side. My normal clothes were still on, which also meant the blood was there too.
"What's going on here?"
The words tasted like salt.
"7 minutes countdown activated in..."
"Count down for what?!"
"Who's there?!"
Panic rose in my voice.
"... 2"
I gulped, hoping my girlfriend actually forgave me.

"Memory replay now engaged."

Just 7 more minutesUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum