"Cass! You've been like ignoring me for the past few minutes, leaving me blabbering to myself." Ally threw her pink fluffy pillow which unfortunately hit my face.

"Sorry," I said sheepishly.

"You know what?" She said in a thoughtful voice.


"I'm tired of seeing you like this, moping and sulking so get up." She hopped off her bed and pulled me with her.

"I'm not in the mood to do what you want to do, I'm sorry." I rubbed my face.

"Well then I'm going to change your mood."

"Look, I don't want to go wherever it is." I grumbled, twisting my wrist to get her hands off me.

"I won't take no as an answer. Get your lazy ass up and you will come with me." Ally grabbed my hands again and we walked to her closet.

I stood there motionless staring at her overflowing cabinets, dresses were practically popping out of the cabinet. I suddenly remembered those times when Carson and I were goofing around, that time when we went star gazing by surprise on the hood of his car.

I frequently ask myself the same question everyday, 'what went wrong?'

"Why are you crying?" Ally's voice snapped me out of my trance.

I subconciously touched my cheeks, they were damp and moist. I quickly wiped them away and took a deep breath before plastering a wide smile on my face, the best that I could muster.

"You can't hide anything from me, I know you Cass and that smile? I know that's fake. Come on Cass, it doesn't mean that you should stop talking to me the moment he broke up with you." She tackled me with a hug.

"What will I do without you?" My voice hoarse.

"I'm sorry to break it to you dear but I won't disappear from your life even if you want me to, so spill."

"I-I, I remembered the things that we used to do. I miss him Ally, I miss him so damn much." I sobbed on her shoulders.

"I know, that's why we're going out right? Who knows maybe you'll meet another guy that will make you happier. Maybe he isn't the one for you, maybe you haven't found your real prince charming yet, but that doesn't mean that you should stop living your life and mope all day. It doesn't mean that you should stop searching for another guy and be afraid of love because it failed you once." She rubbed my back soothingly.

"That's the problem Ally, my heart won't let me look for another man because it only beats for him. Everyday I try to move on and forget about him but too many things remind me of him. I'd probably die single than have another guy who's not him." I replied.

"Are you really trying?" She quirked her eyebrow at me.

Well yes..

Alright no.

"Do you think that I hadn't play my part well? That's why he thinks that I'm not happy with him?" I hiccuped.


"No, lie to me." I said with an eye roll despite my tears.

"Well to be honest, you sort of didn't. You did but not as much as he did. He really made an effort out of everything you know? I'm not saying that it's your fault but I think you owe him an apology." She pulled away wistfully.

"I screwed up didn't I? I got myself a perfect guy but then I made him let go of me." Silent tears flew out of my eyes.

"Hey, I'm sure you could find someone."

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